I'd suggest trying not to HO just because most people find it rude, but it's going to happen and what exactly constitutes as a HO is sometimes debateable (frustrated pilots will call a HO on high angle off tail attacks from time to time). With that said, I'm always told that it takes two pilots to allow a HO to happen.
At the end of the day, just go by the Golden rule and try not to take anything too personal when someone else is rude, just shoot them down first next time 
I avoid the HO at all costs. I had enough time to fly 3 sorties the other day (lost em all). The first sortie i faded way left on the initial merge (to avoid being HO'd), to my detriment the seperation allowed the 190 to fall right in behind me, dead 6 and boom towered. On the 2nd & 3rd (I
think pilots name was sarcelle) we were co-alt he was in LA-7 and me in C-205. I assumed that he would go for clean merge and thankfully i was right. This time i kept the merge tighter, and went into a left bank shallow dive to gain some E vs. the LA, i lasted slightly longer,
slightly. Even though i got my butt handed to me, i still had fun & after reviewing the video, picked up on my mistakes.
Anyway, thanks for tips &

to sarcelle.