Does this mean HTC will pro rate me back my subscription fee each month if I choose only to be one of the FPS troops? Or will I be forced to play along side cheap freeloaders using the same equipment while my credit card is being dinged for $14.95?
Why do so many new guys these days try to talk HTC into resurrecting some version of the old "free play" HtH but, in the MA that we pay to access? It's always under the canard that they are personaly concerned for the future of this game. Ultimatly the sales pitch is to convince HTC they won't survive the new generation of gamers if they don't tease them in the door with free access play in the "for pay" arenas.
Also the posters constantly running up this false flag never seem to have any pilot score or stats in the MAs.
Do you have an actual ID you play in this game with, or are you trying to con HTC into giving you free access with this post? Do you create a new 2 week ID twice a month? Are you one of the "8 man arena" napoleons from the old free play HtH a few years back? A number of them have tried this route and specious argument in this forum.
Free Play is for the future good of the game and HTC is cutting it's nose off to spite it's face. "Giving away free stuff" is the gaming wave of the future and it's the only way to get the attention of the new generation of players.
Yes a generation of internet freeloaders who don't want to pay for anything.
So tuton25, why is letting "you" personaly play for free a superior business model than HTC receiving my $14.95 each month? Other than you are anonymously receiving charity from me as if you are using my taxes to sit on your kester eating with foodstamps?
So to this audience of paying customers. How many of you will take a pledge right now to help pay for tuton25 to play for free every month for say the next 5 years? Just like taxes, if enough of us sign up our individual cost burdens will be that much less. We can contact HTC and request an additional amount be taken from our monthly transaction to cover tuton25's account.
Look at all the things he is promesing will happen that we already have in the game without him. We just have to sign this pledge becasue otherwise we are missing out on the untold magic of the imagery presented by his assertions of a brighter, vibrant, and more exciting future in Aces High.
Who will be the first to sign on to a better tomorrow lead by tuton25?