Stank/stang and I used to vulch each others 262s in 262s. Did we come to the boards crying like a heart broken woman? We laughed and moved on.
I was thinking about returning to the game, these cries and whines make it an easier choice for me
I think the game needs you back BiP, not that I have noticed you have not been on, I have been a bit indisposed lately. I have really missed listening to you rage rants on vent. In fact, this wee dram of single malt is to you and your rage rants.
In my few years of playing you hold the record in my mind for the most tear laden, bigoted, profanity laced rant I have ever heard. Something truly to be proud of. As a point of fact, those bigoted, profanity laced, tearful pouts led to the break up of a pretty decent squad if I recall correctly.
So, remember two things. You whine like no other. You are who you are.
Have a great day.