2. After you drop supplies on a strat city and you receive the text message that "X buildings yada yada yada," does it make a difference if you successfully bail out or you rtb?
That depends. Do you treat this as an arcade game, or a flight simulator? If you drop your bombs and bail, then Aces High is an arcade game to you. If you at least try to fly home and land, then to you, Aces High is a flight simulator.
NOTE TO ALL: Please don't hijack this and turn it into an "arcade vs flight simulator" thread. In this case, it is simply a comment to Popeye44 on different ways to experience the game.
4. Is there a list of the numbers of lbs of ords required to destroy different structures, e.g., Bomber & VH hangers?
The Fugitive posted a link to the page you need. I pasted that list into Word (it took a little re-formatting), and keep it handy, along with my maps, when I am flying.
5. Is there a video explaining the best tactic to drop hangers in a P38 L? I don't have a problem with radars (95%), but for some reason not sure I could drop a hanger with a nuclear weapon?
Again, Fugitive posted a good set of instructions, but since I fly the P-38L most of the time, here is my version, for what it is worth:
I am not a very good aim, so I normally set up about 10-12K above, target, so I am coming in at a 70-80 degree angle. Also, set up your attack run so that when you pull out of your dive, you are headed away from the center of the base. If you are flying towards the center of the base, you are flying into more ack. If you exit away from the base, you are flying away from the ack.
Select rockets. Set your salvo.
Chop the throttle, pop the dive flaps. (Some will say that the dive flaps don't do much good at that altitude, but my experience says they do, and even if they don't, it makes me feel better)
Wing over and go into your dive, line up on your target.
Fire the rockets. Backspace twice to select bombs. Release bombs. (I prefer to fire rockets first.)
Pull out of the dive. When you get close to horizontal, raise dive flaps and go full throttle. (BTW, I have dive flaps mapped to a button on my joystick)
You may have more luck with a different procedure, but this is what works for me.
I find that lining up the attack before I dive is the hardest part. That and not diving into the ground. I have a bad tendency to take too long in the dive.
Hope this helps.