Author Topic: lol  (Read 918 times)

Offline NatCigg

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Re: lol
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 01:52:57 PM »
     Interesting, my sister passed away on Halloween 5 years ago to breast cancer at 42.  Even with insurance she accumulated quite a debt.
Even though she had a house and siblings, we have not been billed for her debts.  Her husband hasn't been billed either and he has already\sold the house and collected her 401K.

     See how long it takes to "squander" all your money after your company downsizes you with no warning and the paychecks stop and the bills
don't.  Then find out you have a potential deadly medical condition and those bills start.  Not everyone on medicare is a deadbeat even ignoring
the fact that they have paid for it most of there lives.



no bills?  there must be more to the story because her estate was passed on.