"What you are asking for is very different in that it would modify the flight model , and hence how the plane flys and performs."
What do You mean exactly with that?
He means torque on the plane is a by product of the Thrust produced by the propeller. The only way to not generate torque on the plane is to cut the power. What you are asking for is at full power, to atrificially set the torque to zero. That means going into the flight model calulation (where forces on the plane are generated) and setting one of the variable to Zero. That would make your plane fly different, over it's entire operating range, vs "Normal" planes. The stall limitter does not change any forces being generated by the flight model. The stall limitter instead, limits the input from your joystick when the stall buzzer is activated., hence it controls user inputs, not the flight model. If you applied this thinking to Torque it would be like closing the throttle to stop torque effects.
But under what situations would you want the trottle to close automatically? Hence adding an "user input limit" functon like the stall limitter doesn't make sense.
Changing the forces on your plane over the entire operational range of the plane, is probably something HTC would not entertain.
hope that helps.