Agreed. But when I mooch around the forum I check two things, 'Show new replies to your posts' & 'Show unread posts since last visit'. With the second one it would be great to ignore some irritating sections of the forum.
I'm in total control of my forum surfing. I only click on sub-forums/threads when I want (and it's often based on the subject heading.)
I only have the Announcements, Help and Support and Special Events collapsed but check on them now and then.
I have zero notifications on. I don't need the ego-pampering
of knowing when someone replied to a post I made. Nor do I feel the need to be handed a list of useless posts in various forums that I have no interest in - unless I'm interested enough to actually enter them.
Showing all unread posts since your last visit seems very cluttery since it picks up all forums?
Sounds more like you're looking for an individual toggle for each sub-forum - is it doable? Dunno.
I'm trying really hard here not to use one of my other AH smack-isms (sorry,I failed - lol) :
Mommy! Mommy! Make the bad mans stop!
You might get lucky and there's an easily implemented soultion - but hiding the Kill Club (for as long as it's allowed to remain) defeats the joke (if there is one) or the intent of "name in lights." And General Forums is the logical place?