Author Topic: Feb 5 host update  (Read 780 times)

Offline Pyro

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Feb 5 host update
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:30:44 PM »
We put in a new host today to fix some achievement issues. 

The following awarded achievements were reset for further testing:

Drop the troop that wins the war.
Get a kill with the .45.
Land a plane that's missing its elevators.

Changes to achievements:

The survive vulching and get a kill while being vulched had some issues that were cleaned up.  The current setting on what is considered being vulched is spawning a plane when you have 3 or more enemies within 1 mile and under 3000' AGL.
Drop a troop that wins the war was getting awarded to a bunch of people.  That may still be broke, please let us know if you get this achievement without having done it.
Getting a kill with a .45 now means getting the kill of a plane with a .45.
AAA was getting counted as killshooter.
9 kills in a sortie in an F6F was set up as 9 kills in an F6F.
Killing ground guns or batteries was not registering.
Landing without your elevators would count if you smashed your tail off crash landing.  That's been changed to where you need to keep your plane intact.  If your horizontal stabs are missing, it won't award the achievement.