edit: in reply to babs:
If you watch your bombs drop from the bombsight you'll notice they already have random dispersal built into them. They aren't laser accurate, at all. Most times you'll hit your target with blast radius rather than direct hit. Ju88 external bombs scatter rather excessively if you watch them.
I'm just wondering if the AH bombs are hard-coded to drop a certain way, or if the very nature of these bombs falling "nose down" will have AH's bomb code compute the new drop rate automatically (on the fly, if you will). Will HTC need to recode these new bombs, or it is already taken care of with current code?
I've noted the randomness (and it seems to actualy impact larger bombs more, such as the Ju88s 500kgs or even 1k/2ks dropped from US buffs) I may completely miss with one these days), but it doesn't get close to making you "miss" your target, even at over 30k altitude, if you use proper technique (consistent speed, heading, good calibration, no turning, etc.). And I'm talking direct hits. You know your lead bombers bomb will hit the target and the two others in your formation will inflict blast radius damage if not direct hits - this is nothing new. As long as I can remember, hanger-busting regulars preffer 500lb bombs used in salvos of three for 2500lb targets over three 1000lb bombs in a single salvo, why? Because of the nature of flying in formation, but also the nature of dropping bombs in formation in this game (with the constant guarentee that 1/3 will hit direct and 2/3 will inflict partial "splash" damage).
In short, if you knew before the randomness was implimented (or increased more recently, may be a more accurate statement) with 2500lb targets in mind, and that single 1k bombs dropped wasn't a guarentee anyway, so you prefered salvoing 3 500lb bombs instead - the change was minute to unobserved.
Knowing that it will be 50kg bombs, and that the smaller the bombs the less they are effected by the code to give some randomness, I again ask Krusty - will it really matter or even be noticable within the game and the current accuracy achievable with them?