After dinner tonite, my wife says with a cheeky little smile, " Hey baby. I think I found your birthday present. I wanted to keep it a surprise, but I wasnt sure if you would like it so I wanted to get your opinion before I bought it... Come look at this."
After seeing her evil lil grin, im a bit apprehensive
..So I get up and come look at the computer. After reading for a min, a huge Cheshire Cat grin slowly creeps across my face.
, is all I can say..... In a few days, Im going to Jandekot airport, jump into a small airplane, grab hold of the sitck
, and learn to fly acrobatics in a plane similar to the ones used in the Red Bull Air Races!!!!!!
Finally all the hours of playing Aces High II are gonna be put to a good use! All the split-s's. immelmans, barrelrolls, hammerheads, yo-yo's and chandelles I can handle!!!!!
God I hope I dont barf all over the cockpit.