Since the darbar gives a very rough idea of the number of cons and freindlies in a sector. I doubt it would be very hard to add another bar, say two pixels wide to give a rough idea of GV activity in a sector, or active from each spawn. The flashing town kinda gives away that an enemy GV is in range of the town so you just fired up a flare anyway if anyone is looking. Just like a flashing feild with a BIG RED BAR gives away that aircraft are in the radar ring to promote combat.
Most of the time when I check out a flashing town after prime time it's a single GV. I can see Bozon's point during after hours that he want's to go where the fight is and not where a teenybopper is trying to get lucky by himself with his popgun. This game is about promoting Combat. So if everyone can see the same growing GV darbar, you will get Combat instead of 10 guys sneaking around avoiding a fight. You cannot be everywhere, and groups rely on that to avoid having to fight.
As for a GV darbar screwing the element of surprise. FLASHING TOWN as soon as you spawn your GV assult. Just like flashing feild as soon as the NOE hits the ring and growing darbar as soon as they pop. It promotes combat. Otherwise if we didn't have flashing feilds and darbar most players would opt for chicken suits and capturing feilds against ZERO defenders. OOPSIES zero combat. I paid $14.95 for this crapola and it Offends meee to dieeeee..........I will sneak around so you cannot Offennddd meeee. ScAreuoooww your Frikken Combbatttttt and the horse you rode in on.......
Remember the vTards?? We bad, We bad, we can NOE surprise the farthest away feild from any combat with 60 guys and take it becasue...NO Body Is Home To Defend It From 60 Guys in Chicken Suits.