Hello all. i was just checking out the logs and i noticed there is information missing in the logs, maybe its a flaw,maybe not. according to the logs, one axis sqaudron attacked base a138,they did alot of damage,but only destroyed 1(one) hanagar at a138. my squadron was assigned another target,we attacked our target and then we RTB'd. i rearmed and attacked a138 with one other aircraft, i killed a hangar there. the logs show 2 hangars killed(destroyed at a138. but all vehicle hangars and ALL bombers hangers were destroyed at a138......WHO KILLED THE OTHER HANGARS? WHO GETS CREDIT FOR THEM? why isnt the information listed in the logs? i personally had messages for destoyed objects that totaled 6 objects(including two hagars) but only 4 items are listed in the logs.
Furthermore. the original base that my squad attacked had all vehicle hangars destroyed, my squad mates called out when they recieved the hanger killed message...but the logs only show 3 hangars killed. so whats going on here, missing logs,messages confirming killed items, phantom hanger killers..?what? did the mass disco and reset....and then second reset(to get the correct map) have anything to do with these errors? the reason i am wondering is that i was under the impression that these FSO frames are scored...based on objects destroyed and planes shot down etc....but if the information is incorrect,or flawed,or missing,than this can not be done correctly. and so i ask ...what are we going to do about to make it right and to prevent it from happening again...or do we just ignore all score in the future and say BOTH sides won...or lost. i think who ever was in charge should have to answer to the fso community..after all, they were incharge and are supposed to be responsible. alpini13<S>