1. Customizable aircraft icon color on clipboard.
2. Compass "bobble"- these things are rock solid during all maneuvers with better than Cat V GPS accuracy...
3. Towns flash not when enemy in proximity, but when taking damage. (Eliminates white flagging via CV group)
4. Increase min distance required between CV and shore. It is rather unrealistic a CV Captain would drive within a half mile of shore. What is very unrealistic is the use of CV ack to precisely suppress an airfield (>3k) whilst friendly aircraft are in the area. LVTs would spawn at a fixed distance from CV or 1.0 from nearest shoreline, whichever is closest to nearest enemy town (up to dist of 3 miles- don't need LVTs spawning halfway across map).
5. Random pilot wound types and durations. Hit Cntl-D and get a leg wound/hand wound/torso wound/head wound readout in addition to whatever aircraft damage may be present. All wounds would result in reduced G-tolerance correlating to severity of blood loss. Some types would not be immediately life threatening and would cause a pulsating red screen of varying frequency simulating the distraction of pain. Severe/Lethal wounds would cause a progressive fade to a black and white palette simulating shock. Death would occur within a randomized timeframe (r=.5 to 10min).
6. Instead of the predictable burn time, allow random aircraft fire times with a slight chance for fire burnout accounting for increasing altitude and airspeed.
7. Variable fuel leak severity/loss rate.
8. Third-person player controllable camera for up to 30 seconds upon dying. Hitting escape will speed arrival at tower.
9. Troops attack towns, do damage to buildings over time if not neutralized. Structures destroyed by troops count toward bomber perks.
10. Completely destroying fuel at a given field should entail a 50% fuel capacity max. Historically speaking, targeting fuel was easier and more common than targeting ords.
11. Instead of simple fuel/ammo loadouts, introduce slider bar with a total gross weight figure visible. If I tell my crew chief I want 6x50 cals on my Jug with exactly 102 bullets per gun he'd better do it:) Slider bar screen should also be enabled when hotpadding. Changes to loadout significantly increase pad time.
12. Slight winds. 1kt for every 1k in elevation seems fairly reasonable with randomized direction for each 1k foot increment. Prevents J-DAM style "bombs on target" engagements from 30k while still allowing reasonable accuracy for area targets.
13. Randomized GV spawns within 1k radius of GV spawn point along with 10 second immunity/no fire period.
14. PBY-5, AR196 available at port
15. Downed aircrew rescue. When a real pilot is downed in enemy territory and towers out, it creates a "proxy" AI pilot left behind at the same location. Proxy pilots would lay out a parachute if on land or sit in a orange survival raft if on water. Players flying aircraft capable of rescue missions like the Fi156, AR196, PBY-5 could view general downed aircrew location via circular CSAR icon on clipboard. Aircrew are considered "captured" after a randomized interval between 15 and 45 minutes and the proxy pilot disappears. If the proxy is found however, the player must land near the survivor. AI proxy will then move to recovery aircraft. Successfully returning to base with one or more survivors grants "strategic" perks. These perks could be allocated to any other of the player's perk categories or gifted to other player's "strategic" perk category. The player who was originally shot down to generate the AI proxy gains no retroactive benefit to score or stats.
16. Non-gameplay related: Ability to pull an all-time stats report for a given handle from the stats page broken down by tour.