I have just noticed the chrome cupholder
Its finished then?
Finished? Piff...what is that?
The sadness of my sickness is it's
never finished....I'm always tinkering....
List of improvements for the Mark VII I'm considering:
1.) Replace the crappy acrilic tabletop Obutto sold with a kitchen counter top cut then covered with carbon fiber. The acrilic top is actually bent on one side (came that way). No one notices it but me...and of course it drives me crazy.
2.) Take apart my Logitech G940 wireless headphones and mic and mount them in the helmet. Yep...I have a helmet (see below) and its not just for decoration.....oh, forgot....have to mount my TrackIR Pro Clip and the rechargable USB powerpack I use to run it in the helmet too! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!!
2013-04-30 20.10.52 by
AKFulcrm, on Flickr