That's helpful Arlo.
Can someone else explain it please. I must be having a dumb moment and I do apologize. Hopefully one of my squaddies will explain it to me later
. In the meantime I would greatly appreciate a direct answer to each question. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Even without a specific number, I'll wager the scoring will be the same for each side.
For instance, let's say the KNs fly 7 pilots in frame one and VF-17 flies .... 17. If the
KNs lose three pilots (shot down or captured) let's say they
lose 5 pts per pilot
for a total negative amount of 15 points. But they were able to shoot down 4 VF-17
pilots that same frame (killed or captured) ... resulting in the Allies losing 20 points.
Now .... if each side's starting points are tabulated by how many pilots are flying (say
150 axis and 160 allied) they would start out with 5 points per pilot/airframe (possible
additional airframe points for drones but let's keep it simple without formations) then
the Axis
start with 750 pts and the Allies with 800 pts. For the part that KN and
VF-17 play it reduces the axis points to 735 and the Allies to 780.
As far as pilots go, it's a war of attrition. Granted, there may still be object destruction
score, I don't yet know if that's attrition modeled or not. Hopefully that may give you
a running start counting beans for the squad.

Alternatively it can be a matter of negative numbers.