Eeyor's post in the bug forum has prompted this request.,348919.0.htmlOver the years players including myself have found some of their key views cannot be adjusted with the up\down and direction arrow keys. When I ran into this, eventually I mapped the hps file view coordinates lines to the view keys and manually fixed it. Since I can do that directly in the hps file, you would think the mouse could be used in place of the keyboard to influence the x, y, z movements of the relative view to head positions.
My wish is for a head position adjustment app in the hanger, or as a toggled mode on the runway where you select the key view and are locked in that view until you hit an escape key. Then your x, y, z in a gui control is slid, toggled, or dialed with the mouse like using something akin to google maps removing the keyboard from the process. Keep the current keyboard view adjustment system for on the fly adjustments and tweeks during game play.
I use TrackIR in 2-axis mode to inherit HPS file settings like using mouse pan view. I'm sure I am not alone along with the players who still use a hat switch or even the keyboard.