This is also going to be my last post on the subject.
The reason the full evidence cannot be shared is because the method is part of the evidence and we do not want the method to become known because it is dangerous. It is dangerous because a resourceful person can often go the one step further and find the actual postal address. It would be ethically irresponsible to share this with a community which I am sorry to say contains members with low emotional intelligence and frequently spiteful personalities.
Regarding Badboy's shade griefing antics, I find it morally unacceptable for one player to ruin many other player's paid playing time. And for what? A player who uses AH to exorcise his own personality issues and insecurities about his own abilities through the medium of this game. It is not a question of fighting him. In my experience even some of the top sticks posting here have been unable to do this at the lake / MA. The best you can likely do is force a temporary stalemate. The fact that he drives players from the game and has been doing this kind of nonsense for around ten years should be cause to say enough is enough.
Clearly this has now become nothing more than a spectacle and frankly since Midway is beginning to insult my intelligence I propose that any meaningful use for these two threads has come to an end.
If HTC wishes to pursue this further then I suggest they contact myself or Bighorn privately.
And now really, 'nuff said.