Badboy must have really ticked you off.... Assuming it was badboy.
By the way, I'll post anywhere I want, when I want and you'll just have to deal with it, youngster. I'll decide what's appropriate, and I don't give a damn if you or anyone else find's that offensive.
That said, if you guys have real evidence that badboy is being a really bad boy, present it to Dale. Otherwise, whining will not change a damn thing. Film these events and establish that he (or whoever it is) is being a major pain in the backside in the DA. Send the films to HTC. Call them. However, whining about this on the BBS won't change a thing. My experience with badboy has been all positive. If your's has been something else, then do what needs to be done. But, don't bust my horns because I have nothing bad to say about the guy.
Actually, I got out of Badboy what we needed out of Badboy. He was exactly where I was told he would be and when he would be there and his flying, actions, and attitude were exact. However, his guard was down. He let the genie out of the bottle and he can't stuff her back in there and he knows exactly what Im speaking about. It was planned. I was shocked so if you or anyone else hear pizzed, I've said it wrong. Let me be very specific. He behaves poorly and then lies about it. Shading isn't behaving poorly and shooting people down with said shade isn't behaving poorly. Doing it and pretending that you aren't, talking to yourself on the BBS, chasing people using multiple computers with your multiple accounts (Quendi was Badboy btw) across the MA for the sake of the kamikaze kill is utterly insufficient for someone that claims to be a splendid part of the community. Hitech doesn't care about that crap...why would he, its $$$$
You certainly can post where you want...that wasn't a request. It was a mistake on your part.
Looky here...there isn't one thing HiTech would or should do about someone being a griefer and owning multiple accounts he probably pays for...and you know that. The fox is in charge of the henhouse on that.