List of occurring issues with mission editor...
1) Auto-Spawn-Point tends to cause a navigation problem where the AI get somewhat lost but eventually find the beginning of a TAXI segment up to several minutes later
2) Path-Following issues in soft-basic turns "with speeds of 200mph - 250mph as example". AI suddenly get lost and begin flying odd when the guide cursor is clearly in front of them... HOWEVER this also leads to #3
3) Sudden placement loss... What I mean is, you can see the guide clearly acting normal then suddenly jumping far behind or simply slowing down for no reason causing AI flying to fly in random circles... Drop_Ord segments are typically involved... When the bombs are released, cursor suddenly disappears...
4) Although not involved with mission editor - when joining mission in progress - the plane you get does not have ammo. included was tried with general speeds of 200, 225, and 250mph at the soft turns... Also was tried with several bomber models with a DROP_ORD segment on waypoint #6, cursor goes haywire and begins breakdown of formation.