I somehow managed to miss this thread

I am sure those here with more knowledge than me have already made a lot of good points with regards to the way the scenario worked out.
However from my personal point of view there are a few things I feel compelled to mention:
1) Defending Malta was a faily easy proposition for us as Allies, tactically. However it did not seem from my cockpit (and I have a lot of in game film and FRAPS footage that backs this up) that we had an significant numerical advantage, in fact many times it was the opposite.
2) The Axis fighters did not play to their strengths, imo. Only once in all the frames did we encounter a group of 109s that fought us using their speed advantage and BnZ tactics, and that was very tough and frustrating engagement. Every other time the 109s got stuck right in and turn fought with us, sometimes going all the way down to the deck*. This did not prove very effective for the LW to say the least.
On one occasion our single squadron engaged what appeared to be 3 squadrons of 109s flying just ahead of a wave of bombers. Pretty much all of these 109s engaged us (without much success) and no one stayed high to protect the bombers.
*this would have been a good move if it was used as bait to get us too low to engage a wave of incoming buffs. However as I will further describe in 3) , this didn't happen.
3) Whatever the Axis plans/tactics were, it seemed like they weren't executed very well. For example, we found flights of bombers on their own, coming in from predictable areas. We found bombers and fighters at the same time, but the fighters immediately abandoned the bombers to mix it up with us, and the bombers got killed. Personally I did not ever notice a time when a wave of fighters would come in, engage us and drag us down, to be followed by bombers to take advantage of the hole opened up.
I'm no master tactician, but it also seems like a small squadron of bombers with the main fighter push could have been used as a distraction, while another bomber force came in NoE from another side. Nothing like this ever seemed to happen, it was like the Axis weren't even trying to make it hard for us to get the bombers.
Only once in all the frames did we find bombers coming in in a very cunning and hard to predict position (blame Bruv's buff sniffing nose for finding those, sorry jerry)
This isn't meant as an attack on the Axis pilots or planners, just trying to say that I think the scenario could have been a lot more hard for us...SHOULD have been a lot more hard for us. I was predicting fighting the 109s to be a right pain in the a**...but they didn't play to their strengths. I was anticipating a tough time attacking high alt escorted buffs in a slow-ish plane with limited ammo...but it turned out to be really easy because the escorts didn't do their job very well.
I think blaming it on the setup is a bit weak. I do agree that defending a few keypads around Malta is a lot easier to co-ordinate and execute than the kind of attack the Axis had to put together, but that doesn't mean it was impossible or unwinnable. I for one would be very happy to play it again, on the Axis side this time.