Yep, although Skuzzy flew in KOTH a few times I'm sure he's much too busy now to attend. Special Events are really the CM Teams domain and HTC mostly leaves us to create our own havoc in the Special Events Arenas. We are volunteers and fit our events into our schedule, before it works for anyone else, it has to first work for the host.
And to repeat, FriKOTH was setup mainly for the Euro crowd not US players. That's what SatKOTH was for but the last host quit pretty abruptly and there was absolutely no way I was going to run both. Eld is getting up to speed and it will be his ball of rice when he gets to be Team Lead. I can finally ditch that title

. I broke my addiction this year and the passion for KOTH and Aces High disappeared long before the addiction.
Yes we need hosts and that starts with people applying. That's how I became a KOTH host. Way back in 2005 Gremlin, don't think it's the present Gremlin that flies AH, was retiring and I quit the Training Corps to keep EuroKOTH going, which we now call FriKOTH.
And NatCigg, here you go, have a 'z' .