There, I rest my case! there are things which need to be done to help new players!
Earl, as a trainer I understand exactly what you are saying and I even agree for the most part but as others have said"you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink".
There is a ton of info out there,the trainers site,help and training forum and netaces are just a few,Vudu has done some terrific videos as have many other players. I myself spend a couple hours most weeknights in the training arena to lend a hand with any issues a player may have.
Unfortunately it's not the fun part of AH,not many are willing to spend the time to get the hours logged,you understand that Earl,they'd rather fly and shoot and be killed than learn BFM or how to takeoff and land. Eventually some get to the point where they want to improve and seek out a trainer for some 1 on 1 time.
I would like to see a video tutorial on the different aspects of AH but I don't have the abilities required to do it.