Author Topic: Awesome Fights tonight! My first AAR.  (Read 576 times)

Offline Urchin

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Awesome Fights tonight! My first AAR.
« on: August 15, 2001, 01:17:00 AM »
Well, after I got nailed by Fester- I decided to take off from the base to the north.  While I was flying south to jump fester and his buddies, I got jumped by 2 109s.  They made passes on me for a minute or so, while I twisted around the sky like a clothesline trying to avoid em.  I ended up heading for the deck with both of them following me.  Same thing ended up happening, with both of them alternating passes at me, until salvation arrived!  Two friendly spits arrived on the scene and for a few moments the result was utter chaos.  We chased THEM around for a bit, until a third 109 arrived!  I hit the late arriving 109 in a snapshot as he turned a mangled bounce into rolling scissors.  Then someone called "CHECK 6!!", so I did.  And sure enough there was a 109 coming up my butt, and he was close.  I broke to the left as I heard his machineguns pattering down my plane, and I lost my right flap.  Since I wasnt using it anyway, I wasn't to concerned.

One of my saviors quickly shot down a 109 (Lizard3 was the 109), and then the other one ran out of fuel and attempted to ditch.  As I realized he would be out of the war anyway, I did not open fire on the ditching plane- however he burst into flames as one of the other two spitfires shot him up as he glided down.  The last 109 wisely decided to run, and one of the Spitfires broke off to return to base.  I was talking on the open radio channel when I realized that the last 109 and Spit had dissapeared!  I rolled to the left and sure enough, they were engaged again.  I rolled into a Split-S to assist my countryman, but the 109 disengaged and came splashing to a wet ditching in the Channel.  My gun cameras were on "Film Only" as I flew over, and I have gotten word that I recieved credit for the ditch, as that was the plane I had hit with the snapshot earlier.  The pilot claims a lack of fuel was the cause of his ditching- but it could have been battle damage.

I continued my patrol, and spotted a dot on the horizon, through the clouds and higher than I was (approx. 15,000 feet).  I continued to climb, and as the dot came closer I recognized it as yet another 109!  I broke into him as he came swooping down.  His initial burst cut through thin air.  This fight continued in the same pattern, with the 109 getting a little less farther away with every pass, until at last I was able to pull completely into his pass and make a headon attack.  I was fairly sure he had no cannon ammo left, as he had hit me on a few passes with just the machineguns.  However, luck was not on my side, and my burst of cannon fire proved inaccurate.  I continued to meet his attacks head on now that I was certain he was out of cannon ammunition, but my aim was awry- and I only hit with a few shells.  We continued to fight with just the machineguns- a fight I was reasonably certain would be to my advantage since I had two more machineguns than the 109 did.  However, another 109 had creeped into the fight without me knowing it, and as I met the first ones pass headon I was peppered with cannon fire.  I rolled to the right and headed for the deck, with both 109s in hot pursuit.  As my luck would have it, the cannon fire had shredded one of my elevators, thus removing the only advantage I had against the German planes.  I spotted a friendly port while still in my dive, and I flew toward it after I pulled out.  

The men on the AA guns must have been on the ball, because there were tracers flying past me as I approached.  I looked back over my shoulder and saw a 109 breaking off by climbing almost straight up- I envy the way those planes can hang on the prop.  I didnt see the other 109 until I started a gentle turn to the left (I couldn't perform any other kind of turn with only one elevator).  As I turned, I glanced back over my shoulder and saw the 109 go spinning wildly past me, with a dark stream of either oil or smoke pouring from the engine.  I looked over the other shoulder and saw the other 109 bearing down on me.  I broke into him as hard as I could, then merely rolled 180 degrees and turned back towards him.  I was sufficiently close that when the 109 attempted to zoom above me and swoop back down, I could meet him going up, with all 4 machineguns blazing.

The fight went on without an advantage for some time (it seemed like 5 minutes, but was probably less than 1)- until the unthinkable (for me anyway) happened.  The 109 stalled on his last zoom, and was hanging in the air as I clawed towards him from 600 yards away.  My spitfire was only going about 120 mph, and it was very tough to score hits on him with the machineguns.  The controls became very mushy, and the plane started to nose over to the right.  As this happened, I looked up and saw, to my horror, the 109 had swung about and now had his nose pointed at me as he slid downwards.  the two machineguns were sending tracers past my plane, but I didn't have any control- I couldn't get out of the way.  I looked at the 109 as it loomed closer in my cockpit- I knew he had either no control over his airplane or no desire to control it as the plane filled my vision.  The 109 ripped through my right wing, completely ripping it off at the wingroot.  I shoved the canopy open, and promptly fell out of the airplane when I released my straps.  I'm not sure if I was flung from the craft or if I merely got lucky and happened to fall out and miss the wing and tail as they came around.  As I pulled the lanyard for the chute, I looked down to see the 109 spinning lazily to the English countryside, with another chute floating serenely below mine.  I watched as a crowd gathered below, armed with pitchforks and shotguns, to identify and detain (if nescesary) the two erstwhile pilots.  It appeared as though the German pilot had also made it out of his craft after he had forcibly occupied the same space as my plane with it.  Well, at least I got credit for the crazy bastard- and a half credit for the 109 that the port AA finished off for me.  So I'll have 3 nice little swastikas to paint underneath the cockpit of my next Spitfire.


Please be gentle if you make comments- I'm not a very creative person (at least not in this manner) by nature.  It just sort of came out as I typed it.  The ram at the end of the story was unintentional on both parts- he stalled and suddenly warped into my aircraft as I came up after him.  I was indeed on the verge of a stall though, I had lost him under my nose when we collided.  I think it sounds better the way I put it in the story though  ;).

Offline Westy MOL

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Awesome Fights tonight! My first AAR.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2001, 07:45:00 AM »
Awesome read with my coffee this am!!!!!!
 I found myself in a similar fight once last night. And what are the odds but Dr Von Festerstien was there too. It's a wee bit uncanny how he can make that 109 move. I have to sit down and watch my films several times because it's almost like he has a 109 skin on the frame of an N1K2 and I need to learn what he's doing  ;)


Offline rogwar

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Awesome Fights tonight! My first AAR.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2001, 01:47:00 PM »
I was there in a 109  ;)  It was definitely a blast. This arena is a lot of fun and some really good sticks in there.

It was funny earlier in the evening to have AKLarry giving me a hard time about running in my 109. Hell, I only know how to HO and run....hehehe.

Offline Thrawn

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Awesome Fights tonight! My first AAR.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2001, 03:48:00 PM »
Sounds like it was a great fight.  It was definately a great read.