I'm not saying dot dar in the tower would be bad. I'm not saying you can't give folks more info if they are in the tower.
My only point was that we need some form of information while I'm in flight. Bar dar, dot dar, whatever... something. If you give me in-flight bar dar and dot dar in the tower... ok. Just don't take away my only means of vectoring to a fight while in the air and force me to rely on somebody else for that info, that's all.
And yes hblair, I have been, and plan to be, in the CT. I don't have very much time to fly this summer, as I'm very busy IRL. However, what time I do have to spend in arenas other than the TA will likely be in the CT. Especially once I can get a Jug in there. I'm not a big spitball fan, but hopefully we'll have the Hurri in there next time to start off.