Author Topic: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope  (Read 4217 times)

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2013, 08:18:43 PM »
I don't think the bombers in AH are in need of better defense, they are already much harder to kill than in real life

I think you have a false impression of real life.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2013, 08:44:21 PM »
The idea is not dumb, but it misses the point of this MMO game. We need as little AI as possible. This is a social game and just as many fighter players fly as wingmen, bomber players can/should fly as pilot+gunner.

These days, with the advent of drones and .wingman auto pilot, there is less and less incentive to bring a gunner. Why would you bring a gunner when you can bring 3 more bombers with their 18k bombs and 30 0.5 guns (in the 3 formation). These 2 extra "strikes" or "lives" by the drones and the complete redundancy of formation-flying competence offered by the .wingman command, have ruined this aspect of the game.

So, bring a wingman and sacrifice a drone while in F6 view.

Remember, you have 3 lives per sortie, so 0.3 K/D ratio in a bomber is like 1.0 K/D in a fighter.

What does the social aspect of this game have to do with anything? You arent actually in the same "location" during ANY aspect of this game, you are linked by the internet. So, if you are a lonely fellow, then perhaps you should just dial up your BFF and ask him to keep you company for the ride.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2013, 09:06:53 PM »
in ww2 if you died that was basically it.  you werent allowed to respawn a few seconds later.  in aces high the gunner can still defend the airplane if you go into the "bombscope".  just make sure you bring a gunner,  if you dont have a gunner then guess what you have to gun for yourself.

Says the guy who has on plenty of occasions hounded others for comparing this "game" to the real war.

It's a game remember.

And considering that I've heard the MA population is dropping these days, REQUIRING gunners in order to provide any real security to a single players bombers, is a bad waste of potential game action.

I want to combat real players in fighters or tanks. I do not want to see a poorly populated arena because of an idiotic notion that AI gunners is not as realistic as one guy firing all guns at a single target.

I could give a watermelon less if it is AI or a real person shooting at me from a bomber or FOR me from a bomber. This is a FLYING game and AI is a population multiplier, something it has ALWAYS needed.

Tell me, before joining this game, how many players ever had the thought "I want to find a game where I can ride on a long boring site seeing flight to gun for a ww2 bomber." It's a novel idea, but as you apparently have failed to see for the last 15 years, it's not catching on in popularity.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline Arlo

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2013, 01:26:47 AM »
'This is a FLYING game and AI is a population multiplier, something it has ALWAYS needed.'

"So, if you are a lonely fellow, then perhaps you should just dial up your BFF and ask him to keep you company for the ride.'

Someone's feeling feisty enough to take on the world.

 ;) :lol

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2013, 04:00:53 AM »
Says the guy who has on plenty of occasions hounded others for comparing this "game" to the real war.

It's a game remember.

I was responding to the op statement.

In WW2 just because the bombardier went on the bombscope didn't mean the gunners stopped defending their bomber.  In Aces High unfortunately it does.  Go onto the scope, no guns and you are a sitting duck.  I would like see to a modification whereby if you are on the scope, the bombers guns go to auto-guns to maintain some form of defense during the bomb run.

And considering that I've heard the MA population is dropping these days, REQUIRING gunners in order to provide any real security to a single players bombers, is a bad waste of potential game action.

I want to combat real players in fighters or tanks. I do not want to see a poorly populated arena because of an idiotic notion that AI gunners is not as realistic as one guy firing all guns at a single target.

dude since I joined 6 or 7 years ago we hardly had anybody that wanted to gun.  and guess what bombers still made it back to base just like they do now.  I have had gunners in my bomber perhaps 10 or 20 times since I joined aces high 7 years ago.  and today I can still bomb and fight my way in and out if needed just like it was when I started.


« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 04:12:12 AM by guncrasher »
you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2013, 12:56:35 PM »
I was responding to the op statement.

And I was pointing out the fact that your standards for what's best for the game (defined as "what semp wants") changes to suit your thread bashing.

dude since I joined 6 or 7 years ago we hardly had anybody that wanted to gun.

Hence the idea for AI gunners.

and today I can still bomb and fight my way in and out if needed just like it was when I started.

Yea, I'm sure you fly right through hordes of fighters unscathed.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline Halo46

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2013, 02:38:09 PM »
And I was pointing out the fact that your standards for what's best for the game (defined as "what semp wants") changes to suit your thread bashing.

Hence the idea for AI gunners.

Yea, I'm sure you fly right through hordes of fighters unscathed.

It sounds like you are saying you wish to be able to fly through hordes untouched so you can knock out the fighter hangers, is that why you are being so aggressive? All I can see is how AI gunners will only lead to abuse. If the whines are loud now, wait for that to happen. If any bomber dudes think they should be able to fly through a horde unscathed are seriously deluded. Just say "no" to death stars in any fashion or form.

Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2013, 02:32:46 AM »
It sounds like you are saying you wish to be able to fly through hordes untouched

I sounds like you don't comprehend the English language.

so you can knock out the fighter hangers, is that why you are being so aggressive?

I don't fly bombers and reading the unnecessarily obnoxious posts by the people I responded to should have been a clue as to why I "was so aggressive." So it also sounds like your skills of deduction aren't too keen either.

All I can see is how AI gunners will only lead to abuse.

It also sounds like you don't have a lick of common sense.

If any bomber dudes think they should be able to fly through a horde unscathed are seriously deluded. Just say "no" to death stars in any fashion or form.

No one ever suggested such a thing. If this retarded gibberish is the most intelligent argument/post you can come up with, then you would do your camp a favor if you abandoned their cause.

If you need further demonstration of my "aggressiveness," continue coming at me as if you know me or have a superior point of view.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2013, 03:00:58 AM »
muzik, you are really a great player and i really respect you.  but gunning your way in and out of a drop is 1/2 the fun.  there's no need for AI gunners anymore than I need for somebody to aim for me with this pos ch craperstick I own.  fighting your way in and out of situations is what makes this game fun.  be in in a fighter or a bomber, it doesnt matter.  the fun is having the opportunity to get to shoot at something that can shoot back at ya.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline save

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2013, 05:38:52 AM »
Many of the returning bombers where scrapped on the heavy raids, some landed at other than their own, almost all got damaged.

In JG26 war diary's, encounters with Lancasters/Halifaxes daytime spelled death to the British bombers, unable to defend them-self with puny .303s
One raid in 1944 ended with 17 killed Halifaxes/Lancasters without one loss to the squad.

My buff-kills are 90% below 15k, 30% are Ack-stars taking off from contested bases.

Some suggestions for thought: Maybe some 4-engined buffs should be able to withstand more damage than today.
3-plane groups should be extended to 5 planes. Auto-takeoff 10k from uncontested rear bases with 4-engined bombers.

They should not be able to kill a fighter at 1.5k out from 3 or 9 o'clock, but 6-800 yards.
1k should be absolutely maximum for 6 o'clock kills. High 12 attacks should be maxed out to 800 as well.
This should be a more realistic approach, together forcing to bomb with bomb-sight.

Also if a gunner get killed in one bomber, the other 2 should be able to fire, German pilots normally aimed for gunners with their MGs on approach from astern.

For comparison: The Black Thursday Schweinfurt raid had (according to Wikipedia) 77 B-17 lost out of 291.

On a reasonable AH scale that would mean 10 player (30 bomber) strat raid in the MA would lose only about 8 planes total. That would be considered a very lucky mission, even when not flying at RL speeds and alts...
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 05:51:12 AM by save »
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2013, 12:16:46 PM »
muzik, you are really a great player and i really respect you.  but gunning your way in and out of a drop is 1/2 the fun.  there's no need for AI gunners anymore than I need for somebody to aim for me with this pos ch craperstick I own.  fighting your way in and out of situations is what makes this game fun.  be in in a fighter or a bomber, it doesnt matter.  the fun is having the opportunity to get to shoot at something that can shoot back at ya.


Thanks for saying so Semp. I apologize for snapping at you, but I have become a little disenchanted with the way you respond to some posts these days on top of the other bashing that went on.

I completely agree that gunning can be a blast at times, but it has never been and never will be a hugely popular activity. It is a novelty of the game, nothing more.

No one suggested you couldn't continue to gun for yourself.  Hitech could just as easily program it so that you can hop into any position and kick the AI out the window as long as you want. He could even do it in a way that would allow you to choose from the current system (all guns at one target), AI guns in every seat but the one you occupy or all AI.

And there is a need for it. Just as I said in another thread on this subject, there are many reasons why AI would benefit the game starting with the OPs reason, it's impossible to defend and bomb at the same time. This game doesn't need any more reasons to force players to fly another 20 minutes like someone suggested earlier "just turn around and make another pass."   :rolleyes:  Which by the way increases the already huge odds the bombers will be a complete loss and leads to next reason.

Most people quit playing games when they realize they can't win. It can take some people years to acquire even decent gunnery and we have new players coming to this game to fly ww2 aircraft. So they come to the game and get their tulips chewed up trying to learn fighters. Then they take a break to fly bombers just to find out they are nothing but food for fighters because they cant defend the aircraft.

Learning the game, the tactics and the flying skills is ENOUGH of a challenge for new players. FORCING the added challenge of learning to gun is ridiculously unnecessary.

Third, as I said already. This game has NEVER had what I would consider too many players in the arenas. And although the very few players that are taken out of the game because they are off gunning for bombers has never been significant, it is still a needless drain on actual combat in the game. If they are doing it for the fun of it, then that's FANTASTIC. Every time a player is having fun, that's good for the game. If it is more chore than fun, then it's a detriment.

Finding other players to gun, especially decent gunners is rare. Especially difficult for a new player who likely makes the mistake of asking a "dumb question" in a room full of people who don't know him.

How bout the "everyone's avoiding combat these days" I keep hearing? Could it be that perhaps the game loses a percentage of action because bombers won't fly straight to targets knowing they are so helpless that they have no choice? Maybe if bombers had a higher survival rate, you might see more daring missions that would be willing to trade some losses to avoid needlessly LONG and boring runs.

Bombers in ww2 werent as helpless as they are in AH and they flew straight through enemy fighters and flack. Our bombers have no incentive to be that daring, because the fuel burn/target distances don't encourage it, the chance of success discourages it and the time lost for a suicide mission is not what people are willing to accept just to be shot down.

Maybe if bombers were more likely to fly through the opposition instead of avoiding it, more interceptors would attract more escorts and result in more fighting. NOTHING about the current system is good for the game, not the least of which is the "realism" point of view.

Wow, I forgot probably the biggest problem with the current system. The inability to defend more than one side of your formation at a time.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 12:31:04 PM by muzik »
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline bozon

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #56 on: September 15, 2013, 01:32:54 PM »
experience shows that AI in online games is never a good thing. It should be added only if there is no other option.

Bombers should not expect to survive a flight through a bunch of red fighters, just as a loaded fighter-bomber shouldn't and doesn't. Even the top fighters with ace pilots in them are not likely to survive without support of friendlies. Real life bomber survival rates are irrelevant, just as the fighter survival rates that are extremely low compared to real life are irrelevant.

Bombers already have many concessions and simplifications built into them in order to improve survivability and make them easier for new players: the fly faster than in real life (operationally), the guns are much more effective, external views for improved SA, the bomb calibration and aiming is ridiculous, and you get 3 often which means you get 3 "strikes". These are all just fine. If you do have a friend out there, or join a mission, you do not even need to be able to keep formation thanks to the .wingman auto-formation. With auto acks, the latter options means that you can join formation, have AI gunners on, go AFK which the leader does the flying and AI does the gunning and return in 20 minutes to click the bomb release.

So what kind of AI will you get? if it is too good, nobody will man the guns in his own plane. If they are not good enough, then what is the point in having them? The balance line is very thin. Should they only fire from short distances as in real life? Does AI means that the bomber player does not need to scan the skies and just read a book on the way to target till he hears the AI guns firing?

What does the social aspect of this game have to do with anything? You arent actually in the same "location" during ANY aspect of this game, you are linked by the internet. So, if you are a lonely fellow, then perhaps you should just dial up your BFF and ask him to keep you company for the ride.
When I get lonely I call my BFF and we do "my little pony" coloring books.
In AH everyone outside my squadron is an enemy. Unfortunately, some enemies that are marked in green are protected by the "kill shooter".
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline muzik

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #57 on: September 15, 2013, 09:49:37 PM »
experience shows that AI in online games is never a good thing. It should be added only if there is no other option.

Please tell me what "experience" you are referring to. A study? Statistics?

Bombers should not expect to survive a flight through a bunch of red fighters


Really? What do you base this on? Are you saying that paying subscribers should accept 100% casualty rates?

just as a loaded fighter-bomber shouldn't and doesn't. Even the top fighters with ace pilots in them are not likely to survive without support of friendlies.

Pure hyperbole and completely off subject aside from being wrong.

Real life bomber survival rates are irrelevant

So you are saying that when people come looking for a ww2 flight sim to play that they don't expect there to be some reasonable correlation with the war the game depicts?

Bombers already have many concessions and simplifications built into them in order to improve survivability and make them easier for new players:

This false assumption is obviously the source of your mistaken beliefs.

the fly faster than in real life (operationally),

Yes and so do fighters in AH = Advantage mitigated. All aircraft in game are modeled with historically accurate speed capabilities.

the guns are much more effective

Really? Want to ask Htc about that? Maybe you are referring to the fact that multiple guns converge on a single spot. In case you didn't understand how that works, that can also be a disadvantage. Multiple gunners with different skill levels don't shoot at the same spot for the enemy to fly around.

external views for improved SA

External views for bombers are because in RL the pilot had hundreds of sets of eyes watching out for him. If you don't like F3 mode, then perhaps you should ask Htc for an audio warning system that can alert players to incoming fighters then ask to remove F3 in the MA. You wont get it though, because that view also provides information that was provided by the extra eyes.

the bomb calibration and aiming is ridiculous

I don't know what the actual bomb calibration and aiming systems were like, and I really don't care all that much. I'm all for more realistic processes in the game, but not to the point at which it turns players away. Anyhow this has NOTHING TO DO WITH GUNNERS or survivability.

and you get 3 often which means you get 3 "strikes".

So you think that Htc decided to add the 2 drones to give players 3 strikes? I don't think that was all there was to it. Maybe not any of it. I think it was to add slightly more realistic bombing capability and experience in game. Anyhow, this barely increases the odds for unskilled new players who often have no clue about convergence or gunnery.

you do not even need to be able to keep formation thanks to the .wingman auto-formation.

So? What's your problem with this? You think that players should have to navigate at the same time as they fight off enemy fighters? If so why?

With auto acks, the latter options means that you can join formation, have AI gunners on, go AFK which the leader does the flying and AI does the gunning and return in 20 minutes to click the bomb release...

...Does AI means that the bomber player does not need to scan the skies and just read a book on the way to target till he hears the AI guns firing?

And? Again, what's your problem with this? If I put my fighter on auto climb to take a toejam does it chap your ass? Do you wish to control my every action in my home?

I don't care!!!!!! I would rather have a FUN fight with auto pilot drones than zoom in on defenseless unmanned aircraft for free kills. AND this might be a shocker for you, but ALL HONEST and HONORABLE players would agree with me. Are your fighting skills and morals SO pathetic that you would rather enjoy killing defenseless AFK pilots?

So what kind of AI will you get? if it is too good, nobody will man the guns in his own plane. If they are not good enough, then what is the point in having them? The balance line is very thin.

Wow, you might have learned a lesson in life there. Yes, the balance line is almost ALWAYS thin.

Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline Arlo

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2013, 10:05:58 PM »
I realize Bozon didn't start his post by stroking your ego like Semp did, therefore preemptively mollifying your childish nature a bit, but he isn't going out of his way to be offensive because he can't handle a difference of opinion without getting irrationally pizzy .... like .... well .... you ... moo-sick

24 plane formations. Pffffft.

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Re: Bomber auto-guns when on the scope
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2013, 12:29:28 AM »
You are just shooting in all direction in a mad rage. I almost feel sorry for you. Even the things I said that are good you jump to defend. I cannot have a discussion with you.

Less BBS wars, more dogfighting is in order.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.