Author Topic: Combat Theater lovers and Pyro: Detailed Mediterranean Theatre Scenarios  (Read 532 times)

Offline Buzzbait

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(I also posted this on the Main discussion board since not too many visit here)


This is a lengthy post, so those of you short on time or patience, pass on by.  For those who are interested in a really challenging situation for the CT, please read on.  This is very detailed for the reason that the outline of a complete set of Scenarios requires it.

Congratulations to the HTC staff for bringing into being the CT.  The present terrain of NorthWest Europe is a good one to use.  However, while the planeset and terrain is good, the Strategic system that needs to underlay it is missing.  In the MA you have the system of base captures and sides.  In the CT there is no goal for the players to strive for.  This may be why some have a problem in relating to it and perhaps get tired of it.

I am not going to layout a Scenario which includes a Strategic system for the Northwest Europe Map right now.  This is because my own personal favourite area is the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean/Tunisian Terrain was created earlier for a Scenario.  The potential for creating a strategic situation which would be both challenging and historically interesting is huge on this map.

I have put together several Scenarios.  These Scenarios are historically based, but not nessesarily restricted to the historical aircraft if appropriate historical aircraft are not available.  (although if non-historical aircraft are used, I suggest modified loadouts etc. to compensate)  The idea is to create an enviroment which mirrors as well as the Sim allows, the enviroment and realities of the era.

For those not familiar with the Mediterranean terrain :

A 3/4 section of the map can be seen here :

The full map can be downloaded from the AH Scenario site.

The use of the Med. map and Scenario in the CT would be better to wait until 1.08 is out.   Many of the elements in 1.08 will add a lot to an arena based there.

These are :

Hurri IIC and IID
Convoys, Trains and Roads

Pyro :  I have made some assumptions about the functioning of Convoys and Trains which I hope are correct.  If I am mistaken, please excuse my assumption.  It seems if they can be made to function this way, or in a similar way, these elements will improve the Sim considerably.

To explain the background for my structure of the scenario :  

Historically the strategic situation in the central Med in 1941-42-43 was as follows :

The German and Italian forces in N Africa, (Rommel`s Afrika Korps) were totally dependent for Equipment, troops, ammunition, fuel and food supplies on Merchant ship convoys which started in Taranto and Naples in Italy, crossed the Mediterranean and unloaded in Tripoli, Italian North Africa.  Without the deliveries from these convoys, the Afrika Korps was unable to attack or even defend itself.  (The Afrika Korps was historically fighting Offmap in North Africa to the East)

These Italian convoys were continuously attacked by British aircraft based in the tiny island of Malta, 50 miles off the Sicilian Coast and directly astride the supply route..  The convoys were also attacked by Torpedo boats based there, as well as Cruiser and Destroyer Task forces based in Alexandria in Eygpt or Gibralter on the tip of Spain, which sometimes operated out of Malta itself.  There was a direct correlation between how successful the British attacks were, and Rommel`s fortunes.  When the merchant ships didn`t get through, he usually had to retreat.  When he was well supplied he usually was on the attack and moving forward.  The British attacks on the convoys often happened at night.  Starshell illumination and dropped flares were used to help with the bombing or on the part of the defending AA, to shoot down the attacking planes.

The Germans and Italians in turn based a lot of aircraft in Sicily and launched attacks on Malta to destroy the airfields and planes there which were causing them so much trouble.  They also attacked the British Merchant ship convoys which tried to resupply Malta with Ammo, planes, fuel and food.  Italian Cruiser Task forces sortied from Naples and Taranto and attacked these convoys.  Torpedo Boats based in Sicily and Sardinia were also used.  At certain points the British garrison on Malta was reduced to almost starvation rations, with most of their planes out of action.  The British Convoys would come in from the West from Gibralter and through the straits between Sicily and Tunisia to Malta.  It was like running the gauntlet.   They were usually escorted by British Aircraft Carrier task forces which came as far as the tip of Sicily.  There were tremendous battles, and often the British Convoy ships would all be sunk.  Other times the British would fly off reinforcement Spitfires from the Carriers which would fly to Malta and land.  The British would time their convoy runs so the last part was at night.  The Germans and Italians continued their attacks at night.  As it was, the British barely managed to get enough ships through to keep Malta fighting.

At one point the Germans and Italians considered an airborne invasion of Malta to finish it off and eliminate the problem.  But Hitler was nervous about heavy losses, since the Island was a real fortress with a large garrison, and the Germans had suffered huge losses in a similar attack on the island of Crete in `41.

The British in Malta also ran night intruder missions with Hurricane and Beaufighter Night fighters, and Wellington bombers to the German and Italian airfields in Sicily to try to catch Axis planes on the ground and destroy them.

Almost every night, the Germans had night bombers over Malta.  These were hunted by RAF Nightfighter Hurricanes and Beaufighters.  (This can`t be simulated in this scenario)

The British were more successful in destroying the German convoys than the Germans were in cutting off supply to Malta.  Rommel had to retreat from his advance on Eygpt after his supplies were reduced to nearly nothing.

Tunisia, to the west of Tripoli, was Vichy French controlled in `41 and most of `42 and was off limits for both sides.  In November `42 the US and British landed at Vichy French Algiers in the `Torch` operation.  The Vichy French Government dissolved and the retreating Germans occupied Tunisia.

The British followed from the East and a combined US/British force advanced from Algiers.  The German convoys to North Africa then were re-routed from Tripoli through to the ports of Bizerta and Tunis.  The convoys were soon destroyed and the Germans were reduced the desperate tactic of flying in supplies by air, a mistake, since it led to the wholesale destruction of the German air transport fleet by intercepting Allied Fighters.  The Germans in Tunisia, cut off and short of supplies surrendered in May `43.

The final stage of the battle for the Central Med  was the invasion of Sicily in July `43, heavily supported by air units based in Malta.  When the Germans were driven from that Sicily, the Italian Government made the decision to surrender and the war for the Central Mediterranean was over.

All in all, one of the most facinating situations in the whole 2nd World War.

My Scenarios for a Mediterannean map Combat Arena would be as follows : (Each of these Scenarios would be up in the CT for 1 week/7 days)

All these Scenarios are designed in such a way as to assign the proper degree of importance to the key factor in WWII and all modern mechanized warfare :  Logistics, or supply, wins wars.  Without Gas and Ammo, the Tanks and Planes don't work.  The side which can cripple its opponent's supply system is going to win.

All references to times refer to U.S. Eastern Standard Time.  A day is 24 hours, from 12 :00am U.S. EST to 11 :59pm U.S. EST.  A week is 7 days, beginning on Monday, ending on Sunday.

These Scenarios would be best organized if players and Squads pre-register for one side or another.  After they have pre-registered, they would not be able to switch sides for the rest of the week.


Scenario I  

`Desperate Days :  Malta under Siege`  March `42 – October `42

If possible the players on each side should be balanced at 55% German/Italian, 45% British.


A British Convoy runs from Palma, (Palma wasn`t a British Base, but since Gibraltar is not on the map, it substitutes as a Western Med British base)  in the West through the straits between Sicily and Tunisia to Malta.  Route stays as close to the Tunisian Coast as possible until through the narrows between Sicily and Tunisia. The British Convoy runs once per day.  It leaves Palma at 7:00pm U.S. EST and reaches its destination at 12 :00PM U.S. EST.  The last 1 hour from 11 :00pm EST to 12 :00 EST is night on the server.  Convoy moves at a rate of 3 areas per hour.

A British CV Task Force is based in Palma.  Aircraft available on the CV are the Sea Hurricane II, (use Hurri IIC) and Albacore Torpedo plane. (Substitute TBM`s, restrict the loadout to torpedos and remove the possibility of using the belly gun)  No attacks may be made by Axis forces on Palma, and no British aircraft may fly from Palma.

A British Cruiser Task Force is based in Algiers. (in this case, Algiers is substituting for Gibraltar as well)   The Cruiser Task Force is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or with a CV Task Force with aircraft disabled on the CV.  

A British Cruiser Task Force is based at A14 to the East of Tripoli on the full map.  (This port is part of Italian N. Africa, but a base here allows the British Fleet at Alexandria in Eygpt to be simulated since Alexandria is not on the map)

British Motor Torpedo Boats are based at Malta port.  (use PT Boats)

Malta Garrison :  (Facilities should be minimum 1 large airfield as well as one or two Vehicle bases capable of flying available Fighter aircraft)

Vehicles :

MkIV  (5 point perk)

Planes :

First 3 days :  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Hurricane IIC
Albacores  (Use TBM`s and restrict the loadout to torpedos, no bombs and remove the possibility of using the belly gun)
Wellington  (Use B-26, remove possibility of using Pilot controlled forward firing fixed .50 Cals)  (Alternatively, for those not offended by the idea, use the Ju88 as the Blenheim IV, and reduce the maximum bombload to max. 4 250Kg bombs, with no torpedo loadout allowed)

Last 4 days :  (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Planes :

Hurricane IIC
Spitfire V
Albacores  (Use TBM`s and restrict the loadout to torpedos, no bombs and remove the possibility of using the belly gun)
Wellington  (Use B-26, remove possibility of using Pilot controlled forward firing fixed .50 Cals)

Coastal Batteries

There are Coastal Gun Batteries at each Airfield and Vehicle Base on Malta.


Ports :

A Italian Convoy starts at Naples.  It takes a route around the West side of Sicily and then through the narrows to Tripoli.  It runs once per day leaving at 5:00pm U.S. EST and arriving at 9:00pm U.S. EST.

Another Italian Convoy starts at Taranto.  (A21 on the full map)  It runs around the East side of Sicily and then to Tripoli.  It leaves at 8:00pm U.S. EST and arrives at 12:00pm U.S. EST.

A third Italian Convoy starts at Rome.  (A25 on the larger map)  It runs to Caligari in Sardinia.  It leaves at 6:00pm U.S. EST and arrives at Caligari at 8:00pm U.S. EST.

1 Italian Cruiser task Force based at Naples. This is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or a CV Task Force with aircraft disabled on the CV.

1 Italian Cruiser task Force based at Taranto.  (A21 on the full Map)

Italian Motor Torpedo Boats (use PT Boats) based at Palermo, Tripoli and Caligaria

Rail lines :

A rail line runs from Messina, (not shown on the map, but on a server, there is a Factory in this location) on the Northeast corner of Sicily, (Just north of V52 on the full map)  through Palermo to Trapani and Licata.  Another runs from Messina to Catania.  Each Rail line has a train leaving Messina once per hour, each hour.

A third Rail line runs from Rome, through Naples down to the toe of the Italian boot opposite Messina.  (Factory North of V52, see full map)  Trains leave Rome each hour.

Airfields and Vehicle bases in Sicily at Palermo, Trapani, Licata, Catania.

Planes :

First 3 days :  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Me109F4 (5 point Perk)
Stuka  (use TBM and remove possibility of using torpedos.  Maximum loadout with bombs, one 1,000lb, or 2 500lbs.  Disable use of belly gunner)
Ju52  (Use C-47)

Last 4 days :  (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Planes :

Me109G2 (30 point Perk)
Stuka  (use TBM and remove possibility of using torpedos.  Maximum loadout with bombs, one 1,000lb, or 2 500lbs.  Disable use of belly gunner)
Ju52  (Use C-47)

Vehicles :


Airfields in Sardinia at Caligaria

Planes :

Stuka  (use TBM and remove possibility of using torpedos.  Maximum loadout with bombs, one 1,000lb, or 2 500lbs.  Disable use of belly gunner)

Vehicles :


Airfields at Tripoli, Taranto and at Naples.

Planes :




Coastal Batteries

There are coastal Gun Batteries at the following locations :



German/Italian Vehicles :

The Germans can only use paratroops dropped by Ju52 to attack Airbases and Vehicle bases in Malta.  No LVT`s may be used.  Once they have captured a Vehicle Base or Airbase, then they may generate the following at that Air/Vehicle base :


The M16`s based in starting German/Italian fields in Sicily, Sardinia, Italy and Tripoli may not leave the area of their fields.  They are there for field AA defence only.

No LVT`s may be spawned from Task Forces.

Motor Torpedo Boats :

MTB`s (PT Boats) may not be spawned from Task Forces.

Drop Tanks :

No Fighter Drop tanks are enabled.

Gun Pods :

Only Me109G2`s may use Gunpods.

Fuel Burn :

Fuel burn should be tailored so as to give single engined Fighters like the 109, MC202, Hurricane and Spitfire an approximate range of 5 map areas.  That is 5 map areas in total, not 5 map areas out, and 5 back.   This would give pretty close to the historical range.

Perk points :

Each British side player starts with 5 Vehicle Perk points.  Each German/Italian player starts with 15 Fighter Perk points.  Players otherwise accumulate perks using the normal method.  Perk points accumulated in Scenario I can be used in later Scenarios.

Radar :

Radar DAR bars are enabled.  DAR bars operate up to 5 areas from a friendly controlled Air or Vehicle base.  Aircraft flying below 300ft do not show on the DAR bar.  Radar dots are not enabled.

Naval Task Forces do not show up on the DAR bar unless there is a Friendly aircraft or Task Force in sighting range of the enemy Task Force.

Icons :

Icons are enabled to become visible at 3.0 distance.

Hanger and Ack Repair

Hangers on Malta repair in 20 minutes.  Hangers elsewhere repair in 1 hour.

Ack on Malta repair in 10 minutes.  Ack everywhere else repairs in 20 minutes.

The above simulates the fact that despite the large number of attacks on Malta, British repair was very efficient and the fields were never shut down for more than a short period of time.

Convoys, Rail lines and Strategic Supply

Convoys and Rail lines are key to supply in this Scenario.  Airfield Fuel and Ordanance is dependent on whether Convoys arrive or Trains get through.  Fuel and Ordanance CANNOT be reduced by bombing an Air or Vehicle base.

Malta Supply

British Airfields and Vehicle bases on Malta begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.  

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) that the British Convoy does not get through to Malta, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops by 25%.  

For example :  If the British Convoy does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 5 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Malta, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos for aircraft on Malta Air and Vehicle Bases are disabled.  Vehicle Spawning is never disabled due to Convoys not getting through.

As soon as a Convoy successfully arrives at Malta, the British Air and Vehicle bases at Malta immediately return to full Fuel and Ordanance supply.  Supply could be reduced again if subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Sicily Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Sicily begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains on Rail lines in Sicily and Italy affects the Fuel Loadout for Airbases and Vehicle Bases on Sicily.   If 16 trains which are destroyed, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops to 75% the next day.   If 32 Trains are destroyed, Fuel loadout drops to 50%.   Fuel Supply on Sicily can never drop below 50%.

If less than 16 trains are destroyed in a day, Fuel loadout is returned to 100% the following day.

Ordanance Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains affects the Ordanance Loadout for Airbases and Vehicle Bases on Sicily.   If at least 48 Trains per day are destroyed for at least 4 consecutive days, Ordanance loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles is disabled for the next day on all Sicilian Bases.

Tripoli and Sardinia Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Tripoli and Sardinia begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

For each Convoy which fails to arrive in these location, Fuel supply is reduced by 25%.

For example :  If the German/Italian Convoy to Sardinia does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through, Fuel supply goes back up to 100%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 3 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Italian/German location supplied through a convoy, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos are disabled for that location.

For example :

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, both Italian Convoy for Tripoli have been sunk.  Therefore on Thursday, Ordanance loadout for Tripoli is disabled.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through to a base which has its Ordanance disabled, the Air and Vehicle bases return to full Ordanance supply.  It could then could be reduced again if 3 subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Victory conditions :

The German/Italians win if by the end of the week, (1) they capture Malta, or destroy each day`s British Convoy.  2)  They must also get at least 7 German Convoys through to Tripoli.  

The British win if 1) Malta survives with all Air and Vehicle bases under British control and they get at least one convoy through to Malta.  2) They destroy at least 8 German/Italian Convoys to Tripoli.

Any other situation is a draw.  In either case,  it continues into the next scenario.

Key Strategy in this Scenario :


The Axis side must do two things to win:


Destroy British Convoys to Malta.  If they succeed in doing this for 5 days in a row, then they will eliminate Malta`s ability to field bombers capable of attacking German Convoys and they will prevent the British Bases on Malta from generating Vehicles.  This will make an invasion of the Island much easier.  They have to do this using their land based aircraft, plus their Cruiser Task Forces.


They must protect their convoys to Tripoli.  This is tough to do, especially considering the British Sea power.  If a British CV or Cruiser Task Force gets through the narrows in between Sicily and Tunisia and into the Central area of the Med, joining the Cruiser Task Force already there, it will be almost impossible to prevent the Italian Convoys from being destroyed.  This is particularly the case if it is the CV Task Force with its mobile Air power.



The British have to get at least one Convoy through to Malta.  The Crucial day is Friday.  If they don`t get a Convoy through by this day, the Island is doomed and their chances of winning are gone.  To do this they are going to have to risk their CV and Cruiser Task Forces.  The Convoys won`t make it on their own.  On the other hand, if they lose their Task Forces, the Italian Navy will then have a free run at the Malta Convoy.  The CV Task Force with its mobile CAP of Sea Hurricanes is a key element.


The British need to get Bombers out early and attack the Italian Tripoli Convoys while Malta has Supply.  They also need to use their Task Forces to attack them.  They must be careful of the safety of their Eastern Mediterranean Cruiser Task Force.  If the Italians can get their Naples Cruiser Task Force through to join the Taranto Cruiser Task Force, then these two can join forces to destroy the East Med British Cruisers.  The CV Task Force and the West Med Cruiser Task Force must keep the Italian Naples Task Force bottled up in the West Med.  The aircraft based on Malta must also be used to protect the East Med Cruiser Task Force.


Scenario II :  `Operation Torch and Tunisia`  January `43 – May `43

If possible, this Scenario should be balanced 55% Allies, 45% German/Italian.


A Convoy runs from Tripoli to Malta.  It leaves 7:00pm U.S. EST and arrives in Malta 8:30pm U.S. EST.

A British CV Task Force is based in Palma.  Aircraft available on the CV are the Sea Hurricane II, (use Hurricane IIC)  and TBM`s.

A U.S. Cruiser Task Force is based in Algiers.

A British Cruiser Task Force is based in Tripoli.  This is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or a CV with aircraft disabled.

A British Cruiser Task Force is based in Misera.  (A13 on the full map)

MTB Boats based at Malta and Tripoli.  (use PT Boats)

Malta Garrison :  (Facilities should be minimum 1 large airfield as well as one Vehicle base capable of flying available aircraft)

Planes :

Hurricane IIC
Hurricane IID
Spit V
Spit IX (5 point Perk)
Bostons  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)

Vehicles :


Coastal Batteries

There are Coastal Gun Batteries at each Airfield and Vehicle Base on Malta.

U.S. Airfield at Algiers and Djidjelli

Aircraft :

P-38H (use P-38L with WEP disabled)
B-25  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)
B17  40 point Perk

Vehicles :


U.S. Airfields at Biskra and Tibessa

Aircraft :

P-38H (Use P-38L with WEP disabled)
B-25  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)

Vehicles : (At all U.S. controlled Vehicle Bases)


British Airfield at Tripoli

Hurricane IIC
Hurricane IID
Spit V
Spit IX  (5 point perk)
Bostons  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)
B-24  (Use Lancaster as Substitute) 40 point Perk



British Airfield at Mareth

Hurricane IIC
Hurricane IID
Spit V
Spit IX  (5 point perk)
Bostons  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)

Vehicles  (At all British controlled Vehicle Bases)




A Italian Convoy starts at Naples.  It takes a route around the West side of Sicily and then through the narrows to Sfax.  It runs once per day leaving at 6:00pm U.S. EST and arriving at 9 :00pm U.S. EST.

Another Italian Convoy starts at Taranto.  (A21 on the full map)  It runs around the East side of Sicily and then to Sfax.  It leaves at 8 :00pm U.S. EST and arrives at 12:00pm U.S. EST.  The last hour is night on the server.

A third Italian Convoy starts at Rome.  (A25 on the larger map)  It runs to Caligari in Sardinia.  It leaves at 6 :00pm U.S. EST and arrives at Caligari at 8:00pm U.S. EST.

1 Italian Cruiser task Force based at Naples. (A24) This is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or a CV Task Force with aircraft disabled on the CV.

1 Italian Cruiser task Force based at Taranto.  (A21 on the full Map)

Italian Motor Torpedo Boats (use PT Boats) based at Palermo, Tripoli and Caligaria

Rail lines :

A rail line runs from Messina on the Northeast corner of Sicily, (V52 on the full map)  through Palermo to Trapani and Licata.  A second Rail line runs from Messina to Catania.  Each of these Rail lines has a train leaving Messina once per hour, each hour.

A third Rail line runs from Rome, through Naples down to the tip of the Italian boot opposite Messina.  (V52, see full map)  Trains leave Rome each hour.

Airfields and Vehicle bases in Sicily at Palermo, Trapani, Licata, Catania.

Planes :

FW190A5 (15 point Perk)
FW190F  (15 point Perk)
Ju52  (Use C-47)

Vehicles :


Airfields in Tunisia at Bone, Bizerta, Souk El Arba, Tunis, Sfax and Gafsa, as well as the starting German/Italian controlled Vehicle bases.

Planes :

FW190A5 (15 point Perk)
FW190F  (15 point Perk)

Vehicles :



Italian Motor Torpedo Boats (use PT Boats) available at Sfax, and all ports on Sicily and Sardinia.

Airfields in Sardinia at Caligaria

Planes :

Stuka  (use TBM and remove possibility of using torpedos.  Maximum loadout with bombs, one 1,000lb, or 2 500lbs.  Disable use of belly gunner)

Vehicles :


Airfields at Rome, Taranto and Naples.

Planes :




Coastal Batteries

There are coastal Gun Batteries at the following locations :



U.S./British Base capture.

The Allied side can only use Ground vehicles to attack Air and Vehicle bases in Tunisia.  Once they have captured a Vehicle Base or Airbase, then they may generate the following at those Air/Vehicle bases.


P-38H (Use P-38L with WEP disabled)
Hurricane IV  (Use Hurricane IIC)
Spit V
Spit IX  (2 point perk)



German/Italian Base capture.

The Axis side can only use Ground vehicles to attack Air and Vehicle bases in Tunisia.  Once they have captured a Vehicle Base or Airbase, then they may generate the following at those Air/Vehicle bases.

Planes :

FW190A5 (15 point Perk)
FW190F  (15 point Perk)

Vehicles :


German/Italian Vehicles :

The M16`s based in starting German/Italian fields in Sicily, Sardinia, Italy and Tripoli may not leave the area of their fields.  They are there for field AA defence only.

No LVT`s may be spawned from Task Forces.

Motor Torpedo Boats :

MTB`s (PT Boats) may not be spawned from Task Forces.

Drop Tanks :

No Fighter Drop tanks are enabled.

Gun Pods :

Only Me109G2`s may use Gunpods.

HVAR Rockets and Fighter Bomb Loadout :

No Fighters may load Rockets.  Allied Fighters are limited to maximum of 1000lbs of bombs loaded.

Fuel Burn :

Fuel burn should be tailored so as to give single engined Fighters like the 109, 190, MC202, Hurricane and Spitfire an approximate range (depending on aircraft type) of 5 map areas.

Radar :

Radar DAR bars are enabled.  DAR bars operate up to 5 areas from a friendly controlled base.  Aircraft flying below 300ft do not show on the DAR bar.  Radar dots are not enabled.

Naval Task Forces do not show up on the DAR bar unless there is a Friendly aircraft or Task Force in sighting range of the enemy Task Force.

Icons :

Icons are enabled to become visible at 3.0 distance.

Perk points :

Players registering for the Allies get 40 Bomber Perk points OR 20 Fighter points.  (not both) Players registering for the German/Italian get 15 Fighter/Attack Perk points.  Perk points accumulated in Scenario I can be used in Scenario II, and perk point accumulated in Scenario II can be used in later Scenarios.


German Ju52`s (C-47`s) cannot be used to drop parachutists.

Hanger and Ack Repair

Hangers on Malta repair in 20 minutes.  Hangers elsewhere repair in 1 hour.

Ack on Malta repair in 10 minutes.  Ack everywhere else repairs in 20 minutes.

The above simulates the fact that despite the large number of attacks on Malta, British repair was very efficient and the fields were never shut down for more than a short period of time.

Convoys, Rail lines and Strategic Supply

Convoys and Rail lines are key to supply in this Scenario.  Airfield Fuel and Ordanance is dependent on whether Convoys arrive or Trains get through.  Fuel and Ordanance CANNOT be reduced by bombing an Air or Vehicle base.

Malta Supply

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12:00 am U.S. EST) that the British Convoy does not get through to Malta, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops by 25%.  

For example :  If the British Convoy does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 5 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Malta, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos for aircraft on Malta Air and Vehicle Bases are disabled.  Vehicle Spawning is never disabled due to Convoys not getting through.

As soon as a Convoy successfully arrives at Malta, the British Air and Vehicle bases at Malta immediately return to full Fuel and Ordanance supply.  Supply could be reduced again if subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Sicily Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Sicily begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains on rail lines in Sicily and Italy affects the Fuel Loadout for Airbases and Vehicle Bases on Sicily.   If 16 trains which are destroyed, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops to 75% the next day.   If 32 Trains are destroyed, Fuel loadout drops to 50%.   Fuel Supply on Sicily can never drop below 50%.

If less than 16 trains are destroyed in a day, Fuel loadout is returned to 100% the following day.

Ordanance Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains affects the Ordanance Loadout for Airbases and Vehicle Bases on Sicily.   If at least 48 Trains per day are destroyed for at least 4 consecutive days, Ordanance loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles is disabled for the next day on all Sicilian Bases.

Sardinia Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Sardinia begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

For each Convoy which fails to arrive in these location, Fuel supply is reduced by 25%.

For example :  If the German/Italian Convoy to Sardinia does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through, Fuel supply goes back up to 100%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 3 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Sardinia, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos are disabled for that location.

For example :

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the Italian Convoy for Sardinia is sunk.  Therefore on Thursday, Ordanance loadout for Sardinia is disabled.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through to Sardinia, the Air and Vehicle bases return to full Ordanance supply.  It could then could be reduced again if 3 subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Tunisia Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Tunisia begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

For each Convoy which fails to arrive at Sfax, Fuel supply is reduced by 25% at all Air and Vehicle bases in Tunisia.

For example :  If one of  the German/Italian Convoys to Sfax does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If two convoys don`t get through the second day, next day the maximum fuel is 25%.  If 4 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to zero.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through, Fuel supply goes back up by 25%.  So assuming the fuel supply for Tunisia has been reduced to zero, then if that day, 2 convoys get through, then the fuel supply goes back up to 50%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 4 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos AND spawning for Ground vehicles are disabled for all Air and Vehicle bases in Tunisia.

For example :

On Monday and Tuesday, all the Italian Convoys for Sfax are sunk.  Therefore on Thursday, Ordanance loadout for all Tunisian Air and Vehicle bases are disabled.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through to Sfax, the Air and Vehicle bases return to full Ordanance supply.  They could then could be reduced again if 3 subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Air Supply for Tunisia

If the Italian Convoys fail to get through to Sfax, and the fuel and ordanance falls to zero, then the German/Italian Players have another option to provide supply to their bases in Tunisia.

For every 5 Ju52`s (C-47's) successfully flown from a fully 100% supplied (by 100% supplied it means the Airbase has not been reduced by loss of Trains)  Airbase in Sicily or the Italian Mainland into a German/Italian Airbase in Tunisia, the Fuel supply goes up by 25% on the Tunisian Airbase.  If Ordanance supply has been disabled due to convoys not arriving, then the successful arrival of 15 Ju52`s at an airbase will restore Ordanance supply at that base.  Ju-52's successfully ditching on an airfield count towards the total arriving at that airfield.  Ju52's do not have to be flown in at the same time.  When the total number landed at an airfield reaches a number which effects supply, then that immediately goes into effect.  Ju52's cannot be flown into Vehicle bases.

Example :  Fuel Supply in Tunisia has been reduced to zero, and Ordanance has been disabled due to Convoys not arriving.  The German/Italian side successfully flys 10 Ju52's from Palermo, landing them at Tunis, and 20 Ju52's from Catania, successfully landing them at Sfax.  

Tunis now has a 50% fuel Loadout, but Ordanance is still disabled.

Sfax has 100% Fuel Loadout and Ordanance is enabled allowing Bomb loadouts and Vehicle Spawning.

Supply provided by Ju52 transports only applies for the day the Transport landed.  The next day, if Transports do not arrive, Fuel and Ordanance at at zero again until further Ju52`s are flown in.

Victory conditions :

The German/Italians win if by the end of the week if they maintain control of at least 3 Air or Vehicle Bases in Tunisia.  The U.S./British win if they capture all German bases in Tunisia.  Any other situation is a draw.  In either case,  it continues into the next scenario.

Keys to Strategy :


Delivering Italian Convoys safely for as long as possible to Sfax is the key to winning this Scenario.  To do that, they need to beef up their Air cover over the convoys and prevent the US/British Bombers and Task Forces from getting close.  If the convoys are being destroyed, then an Airlift is a possibility, but only if the Allied bases in North Africa have been kept far enough away from the Airbase destinations for the the Ju52`s that hostile Fighter interception is not an easy possibility.


Sinking the Italian Convoys to Sfax is the most important goal for the Allies.  If they can put the German Air and Vehicle bases in North Africa out of Fuel and Ordanance Supply, so they don`t generate Vehicles, then taking them with Ground forces will be easy.  The Convoy routes to North Africa are now shorter, and can be covered better by Axis aircraft, so caution needs to be taken to prevent the destruction of friendly Task Forces.

Scenario III  `The Reduction and Invasion of Sicily`  June `43 - July `43

If possible the sides should be balanced 55% US/British, 45% German.


A Convoy runs from Tripoli to Malta.  It leaves 8:00pm U.S. EST and arrives in Malta approximately 9:30pm U.S. EST.

A British CV Task Force is based in Palma.  Aircraft available on the CV are the Seafire IIC and TBM`s.

A U.S. Cruiser Task Force is based in Bone.  This is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or a CV with aircraft disabled.

A British Cruiser Task Force is based in Tripoli.

A British Cruiser Task Force is based in Misera.  (A13 on the full map)

MTB Boats based at Malta, Sfax, Bone and Tripoli.  (use PT Boats)

Malta Garrison :  (Facilities should be minimum 1 large airfield as well as one Vehicle base capable of flying available aircraft)

Vehicles :


Planes :

Hurricane IV  (Use Hurricane IIC)
Spit V
Spit IX (2 point Perk)
A-20 Bostons  (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)

Coastal Batteries

There are Coastal Gun Batteries at each Airfield and Vehicle Base on Malta.

U.S. and British Airfields at ALL bases in Tunisia.

Aircraft :

P-38H (Use P-38L with WEP disabled)
B-25 (Use B-26`s, disable the use of the fixed forward firing .50 cals)
B17  (30 point Perk)
Hurricane IV  (Use Hurricane IIC)
Spit V
Spit IX  (2 point perk)
B-24  (Use Lancaster as Substitute) (40 point Perk)

Vehicles :




An Italian Convoy starts at Rome.  (A25 on the larger map)  It runs to Caligari in Sardinia.  It leaves at 6:00pm U.S. EST and arrives at Caligari at 8 :00pm U.S. EST.

1 Italian Cruiser task Force based at Naples. This is a CV Task force with the CV replaced by another Cruiser, or a CV Task Force with aircraft disabled on the CV.

Italian Motor Torpedo Boats (use PT Boats) based at Palermo, Caligaria and Taranto.

Rail lines :

A rail line runs from Messina on the Northeast corner of Sicily, (V52 on the full map)  through Palermo to Trapani and Licata.  A second Rail line runs from Messina to Catania.  Each of these Rail lines has a train leaving Messina once per hour, each hour.

A third Rail line runs from Rome, through Naples down to the tip of the Italian boot opposite Messina.  (North of V52, see full map)  Trains leave Rome each hour.

Airfields and Vehicle bases in Sicily at Palermo, Trapani, Licata, Catania.

Planes :

MC205  (20 point Perk)
FW190A5 (2 point Perk)
FW190F  (2 point Perk)

Vehicles :


Airfields in Sardinia at Caligaria :

Planes :

Stuka  (use TBM and remove possibility of using torpedos.  Maximum loadout with bombs, one 1,000lb, or 2 500lbs.  Disable use of belly gunner)

Vehicles :


Airfields at Rome, Taranto, Naples and all other Airbases in Italy :

Planes :

MC205 (20 Point Perk)
FW190A5 (2 point Perk)
FW190F  (2 point Perk)

Vehicles :  (At all Air and Vehicle bases in Italy)


Coastal Batteries

There are coastal Gun Batteries at the following locations :



British/U.S.  Vehicles :

The Allied side can only use paratroops dropped by C-47, or LVT`s generated by the Tripoli based Cruiser Task Force to initially attack Air and Vehicle bases in Sicily, Sardinia or Italy.  Once they have captured a Vehicle Base or Airbase, then they may generate the following at those Air/Vehicle bases.


P-38H (Use P-38L with WEP disabled)
Hurricane IV  (Use Hurricane IIC)
Spit V
Spit IX  (2 point perk)




LVT`s may only be spawned from the British Tripoli based Cruiser Task Force, and the U.S. Bone based Cruiser Task Force.

Motor Torpedo Boats :

MTB`s (PT Boats) may not be spawned from Task Forces.

Drop Tanks :

No Fighter Drop tanks are enabled.

Gun Pods :

Only Me109G6`s may use Gunpods.

HVAR Rockets and Fighter Bomb Loadout :

No Fighters may load Rockets.  Allied Fighters are limited to maximum of 1000lbs of bombs loaded.

Fuel Burn :

Fuel burn should be tailored so as to give single engined Fighters like the 109, 190, MC202, Hurricane and Spitfire an approximate range (depending on aircraft type) of 5 map areas.

Radar :

Radar DAR bars are enabled.  DAR bars operate up to 5 areas from a friendly controlled base.  Aircraft flying below 300ft do not show on the DAR bar.  Radar dots are not enabled.

Naval Task Forces do not show up on the DAR bar unless there is a Friendly aircraft or Task Force in sighting range of the enemy Task Force.

Icons :

Icons are enabled to become visible at 3.0 distance.

Perk points :

Players registering for the Allies get 40 Bomber Perk points OR 6 Fighter points.(not both)  Players registering for the German/Italian get 6 Fighter/Attack Perk points.  Perk points accumulated in Scenario I and II can be used in Scenario III.

Hanger and Ack Repair

Hangers on Malta repair in 20 minutes.  Hangers elsewhere repair in 1 hour.

Ack on Malta repair in 10 minutes.  Ack everywhere else repairs in 20 minutes.

The above simulates the fact that despite the large number of attacks on Malta, British repair was very efficient and the fields were never shut down for more than a short period of time.

Convoys, Rail lines and Strategic Supply

Convoys and Rail lines are key to supply in this Scenario.  Airfield Fuel and Ordanance is dependent on whether Convoys arrive or Trains get through.  Fuel and Ordanance CANNOT be reduced by bombing an Air or Vehicle base.

Malta Supply

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12:00 am U.S. EST) that the British Convoy does not get through to Malta, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops by 25%.  

For example :  If the British Convoy does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 5 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Malta, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos for aircraft on Malta Air and Vehicle Bases are disabled.  Vehicle Spawning is never disabled due to Convoys not getting through.

As soon as a Convoy successfully arrives at Malta, the British Air and Vehicle bases at Malta immediately return to full Fuel and Ordanance supply.  Supply could be reduced again if subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Sicily Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Sicily begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

At the end of each day (12:00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains on rail lines in Sicily and Italy affects the Fuel Loadout for Air and Vehicle Bases on Sicily.   If 16 trains which are destroyed, Fuel loadout for Aircraft and Ground vehicles drops to 75% the next day.   If 32 Trains are destroyed, Fuel loadout drops to 50%.  If 48 Trains are destroyed per day, Fuel supply for bases in Sicily drops to 25%.   Fuel Supply on Sicily can never drop below 25%.

If less than 16 trains are destroyed in a day, Fuel loadout is returned to 100% the following day.

Ordanance Supply :

At the end of each day (12 00 am U.S. EST) the number of destroyed Trains affects the Ordanance Loadout for Axis Air Bases on Sicily.   If at least 48 Trains per day are destroyed for at least 4 consecutive days, Ordanance loadout for Aircraft are disabled for the next day on all Sicilian Bases.  Vehicle Spawning on Sicilian Air and Vehicle bases are never disabled due to Trains being destroyed.

Messina :

Messina, (the factory on the Northeast tip of Sicily just to the North of V52)  is the terminus for the Rail lines on Sicily and the Supply HQ for the Island.  If the US/British capture Messina, then all Air and Vehicle bases on Sicily have their fuel reduced to 25%, all ordanance loadout for aircraft are disabled and all Vehicle Spawning is disabled.

Sardinia Supply

German/Italian Airfields and Vehicle bases on Sardinia begin with full Fuel and Ordanance supply.

Fuel Supply :

For each Convoy which fails to arrive in these location, Fuel supply is reduced by 25%.

For example :  If the German/Italian Convoy to Sardinia does not get through on the first day of the week, then the next day, maximum fuel is 75%.  If a convoy doesn`t get through that day, next day the maximum fuel is 50%.  If 3 Convoys in a row are destroyed, Fuel is reduced to 25%.  

Fuel loadout can never be reduced to below 25%.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through, Fuel supply goes back up to 100%.

Ordanance Supply :

After 3 consecutive Convoys have failed to get through to Sardinia, Loadouts for Bomb and Torpedos are disabled for that location.

For example :

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the Italian Convoy for Sardinia is sunk.  Therefore on Thursday, aircraft Ordanance loadout for Sardinia is disabled.

As soon as a Convoy successfully gets through to Sardinia, the Air and Vehicle bases return to full Ordanance supply.  It could then could be reduced again if 3 subsequent convoys fail to arrive.

Victory conditions :

The German/Italians win if by the end of the week if they maintain control of at least 3 Air or Vehicle Bases in Sicily.  The U.S./British win if they capture all German/Italian bases in Sicily.  Any other situation is a draw.

Key to Strategy for `The Reduction and Invasion of Sicily`


The US/British now have Sea superiority, with 4 Task forces compared to only one Italian.  However, they must still be careful with them.  Especially with the two Cruiser Task Forces which can generate LVT`s.  If they are destroyed, then the Allies will only be able to invade with Paratroops dropped by C-47`s, which will be at a big disadvantage when matched up against Axis Ground Vehicles, especially since Rockets and Bomb loadouts for Fighters are limited.

The Allies should first reduce the defences of Sicily by destroying enough Trains to reduce fuel supply to 25% and disable Bomb loadout for aircraft.  Once they have done that, they can bring in the Invasion Task Forces to bombard the Base defences and Coastal Batteries.  Only then should the actual invasion start.  Messina is a tempting location for an invasion, its capture would make the seizure of the rest of the island very easy, but it is likely the Axis forces will defend it to the maximum.  Messina is also out of escort range for any aircraft except those based on Malta.


The Axis only have to hold a part of Sicily to win.  Messina is a key to the island, and therefore has to be held at all costs.  The Trains on the Island also must be defended.  Since most of the attacks on Trains are likely to originate from Malta, then a series of bombing raids on that island`s fields and on its Supply Convoys would cripple the Allies ability to attack.

The Italian Task Force should be saved for a last ditch situation, perhaps the defence of Messina against invasion.  Otherwise it should be kept out of danger.