Geeman, our newest member of VMF-323, logged on with his dad yesterday afternoon, and while dear old dad was launching a goon northward, Geeman, age 4, shot down his first bogie in the MAIN arena (he's taken down several in TA)...of course, due to the fact that he doesn't read very well yet, and I was busy, we didn't notice who the unlucky sould was, so please step forward and indentify yourself, all we want is the plane type you flew so that we may paint it on his F4U model !
Today he is 5 years old, Happy Birthday Geeman! Here's to many more sorties with the old man! (Now, how to convince the wife that we need to spend $60/month instead of $30 on an online sim.....hmmmmmm, dig up old credit card reciepts from my Warbird days?!?