Author Topic: Gunnery Tips  (Read 3828 times)

Offline Kingpin

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2013, 12:42:27 AM »
In continuing on my points above, about INSIDE convergence shooting, the aim point is HIGHER in close, especially in a Corsair.  Here are two screenshots taken from practicing this against offline drones.

Note that in this first shot, at convergence (325 yards), the aim point is relatively level (just above the wingtip), but to the left to account for the 30-degree bank of the offline drones.  This shot will hit the left wing root and cockpit (likely a pilot kill).

In this second shot, at INSIDE convergence (163 yards), the required aim point is higher.  Less lead to the left is required also due to the closer range.  In this shot, it appears you are aiming high, but the TWO bullet streams are BELOW your pipper.  This shot will actually hit the spit in each wing root and should saw off both wings.

One thing that is useful for learning to shoot with wing-mounted guns in REALLY close (useful for both BnZ and close in knife-fighting) is knowing where your TWO bullet streams are, so you can hit reliably with just ONE bank of guns, even though the other bullet stream is missing.  I think what happens when firing in really close is that people try to "center" their shot, which causes both streams to miss, instead of just aiming for ONE bullet stream to hit.  I call this practicing "one wing shooting" (for wing-mounted gun planes).

Just another thing to practice.

Remember practice doesn't necessarily make perfect.  PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect.  That means knowing how and what to practice is as important as doing it.  There are some VERY good points already mentioned by others in this tread about that as well.


« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 01:42:16 AM by Kingpin »
Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2013, 01:14:17 PM »
Very nice and informative Kingpin.
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Offline bustr

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2013, 08:21:56 PM »
Offline when you spawn say NE sitting on the runway with your engine off. And you want to set the target to the center of your gunsight between say 150 and 600.

.target 150 45 (12.25 to 13.5 depending on the fighter)<--some may be higher or lower.

.target 400 45 (12.25 to 13.5 depending on the fighter)<--some may be higher or lower.

600 and longer will need 14-15 but, by that point what you will see on the target is better done by flying auto leveled and shooting at these ranges.

You have to play with the elevation number until you center it to your gunsight.

.target range(1-32,000) heading(1-360) elevation(1-360)

Numbers between 270 and 359.75 are below your plane from straight down from under your plane to just under your nose. 360, 0 or no number at all in the elevation places the target level to your engine line when you aircraft is level.

Target rings = 10ft.

Other wise if you leave elevation at zero, then while in level flight it is tied to the zero line of your aircraft. Most often a line centered on the engine. If you do that and shoot from 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600. You will see the relationship between your center line, how your gunsight line of sight is angled down. And how your guns first shoot up to your convergence, then arc out and down from it. You will see at every range the center of the gunsight showing lower relative to the horizontal red line of the target. When you don't set the elevation number in flight. The horizontal red line is tied to the center line of your fighter in level flight.

In flight most of the game's fighters will level their zero line to the target horizontal red line at or about 300-312 IA if you don't put a number in for the elevation value. Once you do this, then if you want the target center lined up with the gunsight center, you will be lowering the target during level flight in most cases. Because the gunsight LoS in most fighters has a slight down angle.

Something like (.target 400 45 359.25) to lower the target about 20ft to follow the gunsight line downwards.

When you pull the trigger your nose attitude will change and you fighter may well slow done a bit raising the gunsight center relative to the target. You will have to play with it in flight. But, on the ground is a good place to statically see the relationship of your guns convergence point to the target.

In auto level flight at 300-312 IA is the best way to see your dispersion and drop past your convergence.

For such a simple game this gets complicated fast.........

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Offline mtnman

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2013, 08:29:57 PM »
Nice write-up Kingpin.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline Kingpin

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2013, 05:23:02 PM »
Very nice and informative Kingpin.

Nice write-up Kingpin.

Thanks gents. 

That's about all I have to contribute to the community at the moment, since I'm taking a break and have cancelled my account.  (Burned out on MA dweebery ATM.)

I'll probably get the itch and maybe return sometime after the holidays.  If I do, I was thinking I would offer my gunnery course to the public and run it in the Training Arena some time, if anyone has an interest.  (PM me or post here and if I have time in January, maybe I'll do that.)

<S> all
Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

Offline Big Rat

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »
Kingpin did a very nice gunnery course for VF-17 :aok

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2013, 09:40:39 AM »
Count me in for that course!
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Offline BSB

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2013, 12:28:24 PM »

I tried downloading and running your staged mission (smfldftrmix) to practice gunnery. But when I take off and it gets to the point where it is supposed to warp to the location to start the mission aces high crashes every time.  Any ideas how to fix this?


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Offline mustng2

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2013, 02:33:05 PM »
Sorry BSB, that is a problem on some computers.  I have one at the office that crashes anytime a warp segment comes up, but the same mission works on my other computer and my squaddies computers.  I don't have an offline fix, but using a custom arena online always seems to work and the AI planes online are much more aggressive than offline.  I could post a non warp mission, but that would greatly extend the time to get to altitude and fighting and bombing.  Have you tried the custom arena online (instructions in staged mission forum)?  Don't let the length of the instructions stop you, it is very simple once you have done it.  Let me know if you want me to post a non warp mission and what you want in it.  Other people have had your problem and that is the only work around I know of to make it work offline on all computers.

Offline mustng2

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2013, 04:09:26 PM »
I have posted a nowarp mission that should work offline.  It is smnowarpftr.  You start at either A1 or A22 depending on your country choice and follow the red line on your clipboard map.  Make sure you have show my flight checked on your clipboard right click option.  4 fighters on each side.  You should meet at the south end of the island.  Hope this works for you.

Offline BSB

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2013, 12:49:09 AM »
Thank you Mustng2 I will give it a try.
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Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Gunnery Tips
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2013, 09:35:19 PM »
Okay more.
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