Its a screenshot from some game. Was doing research
for a scale model build when I chanced upon it.
Here's the link and another pic of this most beautiful of jets:

I've mentioned this idea years ago to HT and staff
but to no avail. I've even suggested that it could be
rolled out piecemeal by modeling the planes from the
Korean War as special treats for CON goers and then
when a suitably deep planeset was ready, start
a Korean War arena with all of the created planes.
I just stumbled upon another game that offers
the F9F. Its arcade-like to be sure but looks
like it could be some fun. The F-86 is there
too. (War Thunder) Here's the video I ran across. don't know what the future holds for Aces High.
I've been here since way back around 2001
under the screen name StracCop. Since then
a lot of new games and technological advances
have appeared. I'm just afraid that AH2 is
losing ground and want to help it stand out as
the best of the best on the menu these days.
What more can I do?