In Frame 3, the Allies continue to strike targets deep within the Reich...
"Superforts Over Fortress Europe - June 1945"
Frame 3 - December 20, 2013: VMF-216 Bull Dogs
AXIS C-in-C:
Frame 3 - December 20, 2013: JG54
For squad assignments - side's C-in-C is required to email their orders to me before distribution, for a very brief review. I promise to be prompt.
The following six bases - listed here from North to South - must be defended by the Axis (Luftwaffe) and attacked by the Allies (USAAF):
base map sector type
=== ======= ====
A18 10-17-06 small airbase
V72 11-13-06 vehicle base
A72 10-10-05 large airbase
V82 11-08-03 vehicle base
A50 10-04-08 medium airbase
A54 10-02-01 small airbase
Damage dealt to bases other than these six will score NO points for the Allies. Accurate navigation is important!
Allied planes may launch from any airbase or air-launch to the west of the BLUE line on the included map.
Axis planes may launch from and re-arm at any airbase to the east of the RED line on the included map.
For detailed rules regarding this event - regular FSO rules - let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck and good hunting!