Author Topic: December 2013 - Snapshots  (Read 872 times)

Offline Mystic2

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December 2013 - Snapshots
« on: November 21, 2013, 07:31:03 AM »
Snapshot's for December

Dec 4th 68Raptor Pearl Harbor
Japanese military leaders recognized the United States Naval strength as the chief deterrent to war with the United States. Early in 1940, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, had initiated planning for a surprise attack on the United States Pacific Fleet at the beginning of any hostilities that the Japanese might undertake. The assumption was that before the United States could recover from a surprise blow, the Japanese would be able to seize all their objectives in the Far East, and could then hold out indefinitely. The Japanese fleet set out for Pearl Harbor on November 26th, 1941 with 6 aircraft carriers to a position NW of Hawaii. 405 Japanese Naval aircraft were to be used in the attack, which was split into 2 waves. The first wave commenced its attack a few minutes before 8:00 Hawaiian standard time. It targeted Battleship row and ground installations.  The attack was carried out by B5N bombers, D3A "Vals", and A6M2 "Zeros".

Dec 11th 68Mason JackPot

In 1944 Axis Airfields and Transportation targets were chosen as the primary targets for the roving Allied fighters. Jackpot's and Chattanooga's were low level strafing missions. Jackpots were airfield targets and Chattanooga's were Railroad targets. In this Snapshot we recreate what happened hundreds of times during the Air war over Europe, A dangerous low level strafing mission over a hostile airfield.

Dec 18th 68JR Kill the Engine's

German scientist are working hard to produce the metals needed for engines to power the Me 262. Current engines are only good for 20-25 hours of use before necessitating a change-out. The OSS has provided Allied Leaders with intelligence suggesting that the work is being done at the radar facility near Marburg. Allied air groups are tasked with destroying this facility to halt production of the metals needed and the equipment for manufacture of the new engines. Axis Forces are expected to defend the facility to the fullest to protect production of the Me-262 engines.

Dec 25th Molsman
 Merry Christmas Event
None that is

From the Snapshot Team to the Rest of the AH Community!!!!!

We Wish You all the Best of the holidays!!!!!!

Snapshot Team Lead
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 07:33:54 AM by Mystic2 »
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