Author Topic: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!  (Read 1726 times)

Offline Bannor

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2013, 10:43:57 AM »
The 412th flew 51's in frames 1 and 3 and B24's in frame 2. The last 2 frames we had a hella long flight to target and back home, which took up nearly the entire 2 hour event. It was no picnic once we engaged. If you got the same ride for all 3 frames then you will have to blame the CiCs for that. I always did my best to share the wealth. If you want the perfect set-up, then step up and be a CM. I'm sure that you can pull it off and that no one person or squad will ever complain because it will be perfect. Otherwise, please feel free to offer constructive criticism as it is always welcome. If you're gonna squeak about how unfair it is or was and keep saying things like "This is why I don't like FSO" then quit. There are 12 scenarios in a year and you are bound to have some good flights and bad flights out of 36 frames.
 :salute to the CMs and all the players who try to make this event fun and can roll with the punches. And a Merry Christmas to all of us. May the New year ahead bring us peace and prosperity.  :cheers:
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Damn, we're in a tight spot!

Offline snakeplissken

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2013, 05:29:33 PM »
Merry Christmas Sir!  To all our FSO familes:  Be Safe!
The Unforgiven motto: Quid posset ire iniuriam

Offline APDrone

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2013, 05:41:36 PM »
It seems that most of the players that aren't having fun suffer from the same malady:

Being assigned the same ride multiple frames in the same series.   THIS SHOULD RARELY HAPPEN.

Please, when you're the CiC, take a few extra minutes and examine what rides the squads had the previous frame(s) before making assignments, then give them something different. Of course, this is not a concern if you're Frame 1 CiC.  Just review the ride requests on the event site and assign accordingly.

Now, there are a couple events that we repeat that this simply isn't possible. Battle of Britain, for the allied side, is one of them.  Other than that, though.. as long as there are more than 2 planes in the set, then each squad should have different rides each week, as well as different assignments ( bomber, escort, defense, attack ).  Sure, does that mean that, GASP, some may not get their favorite ride 3 weeks in a row? Why, by golly, you're right!!  It's called taking turns.  

Now, not to let the CMs off scott-free, I would like to mention that there seems to be a need to have a better balance of targets for both sides.  For most of the series, there should be a roughly equal number of bombers assigned to targets for both sides. I understand that some don't ally themselves with that, and I did say 'most', not 'all'. Even with different rides, defending bases frame after frame gets old. This, again, goes back to the CiC to make sure each squad is assigned different tasks from week to week.

And have I missed them, or are there any more convoy/train busting JABO objectives anymore?  Those were particularly fun for small squads to go in and mix it up down low.

And, finally, the squad COs should be communicating with the CiCs before orders are issued when they feel they've been getting shafted on ride assignments, and the CiCs should carefully consider their arguments.  Refer to the sticky posts at the top of this forum.  the 'How to be a CiC' that daddog wrote almost 4 years ago.  Pay close attention to #3.  

I've been flying these for 12 years, now, and the times I've gotten the most frustrated have been directly from the points I've made above. And, for those not familiar with me, I was a CM for 4 years.

Just felt I had to chip in.

Carry on.. looking forward to January.  ( oh, can we also go back to strict 3 weeks on/1 week off? )  :bolt:


« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 05:44:57 PM by APDrone »

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline FBDragon

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2013, 09:00:49 PM »
Same to you and the rest of the Laughing Devils.  :salute  :rock

 :salute I enjoyed flying with you and Barkhorn!!!!!!
Kommando Nowotny
To Win The Winter Sky
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Offline Softail

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2013, 10:47:31 AM » FSO rating system is very simple.

BAD =   Shot down and out in 40 mins or less.  (only a very few have been bad)

Good = Lived long enough to engage the enemy and get a scalp.

Very Good  = made it to the a scalp.....refueled and clashed another scalp before the bastages got me.

AWESOME = Very Good + landed safely with a smokin' shot up plane that collapses on the runway.

most are good to very good.   the rest are split between Bad and Awesome.

Salute to All for a fun 2013 FSO Season.


Offline Zoney

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2013, 10:51:35 AM »
I agree the December FSO was awful.

Awfully thrilling.

Awfully different.

Awfully fun.

Awfully challenging.

Awfully engaging.

I had an awfully good time playing.  

Thank you.
Wag more, bark less.

Offline pops57

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2013, 01:53:48 PM »
Dito! Have the numbers been run? Do we know win/lose?  :aok
I agree the December FSO was awful.

Awfully thrilling.

Awfully different.

Awfully fun.

Awfully challenging.

Awfully engaging.

I had an awfully good time playing.  

Thank you.

Offline Zoney

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2013, 02:18:52 PM »
Dito! Have the numbers been run? Do we know win/lose?  :aok

Those who did not play lost, those that did play won, and then there is the Ultimate Winners, those that flew with JG11  :devil
Wag more, bark less.

Offline WxMan

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2013, 06:31:06 AM »
Plus I don't know why Viper61 would need 10 bombers sets for 5 hangers. That's putting alot of tonnage on a single target.

Becaused he followed the rules:

Targets will be attacked and defended by a credible force. Unless stated otherwise this will be a minimum of 12 players assigned per target. This can consist of a single squad or multiple squads.

All targets must be attacked within 60 minutes of the start of the frame. They must be attacked with explosive ordinance (rockets and bombs) by a full squadron....
While not clearly stated, it has been ruled in the past that a full squadron is one that has at least 7 to 10 pilots.
Arabian Knights

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Offline captain1ma

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2013, 10:16:08 AM »
i would like to invite those that are complaining about rides or bad experience, to volunteer to be CIC for a frame or 2. I know personally i put in about 14 hours for the axis orders for frame3. first i had to see what each squad flew the 2 prior frames, then i had go see what they asked for, then i had to decide who got what, what groups are stronger in fighters, and what group was better scouts, and oh yeah i had to change the orders at the 11th hour(5 hours prior to take off) because of an error that was pointed out to me(thanks stampf!!)

so before you guys get all worked up about a bad frame or 2, volunteer to be CIC or volunteer to help the CIC. get on the phone together, do the research. check the last frame or 2. if you're the first guy up, you still have to see what ride preferences are. you have to see who's gonna freak if they don't get their preferences, etc etc etc. you'll find its not as easy as people think it is.

if we had a fso open office or excel template it would be a little easier, atleast for the later guys. now saying that, we're all different. some people have time to put in 14 hours(like me) some are new, some don't care and just want to get the orders out. its a personality and dedication thing. its a tactics thing. its any of a number of things.

i am i no way chastising or beating anyone up. there is no right or wrong, there is no winner and losers. we are all trying to have fun, that's the main thing. there are just so many things that go into the orders and into each and every frame, it can be overwhelming at times. and yes occasionally someone doesn't have a good time and voice their opinion of that. this it turn makes the pressure of CIC that much harder.

I'm just saying that if there's a problem with people having a bad experience, then maybe the people complaining should volunteer or step up to the plate and get more involved and help make it better not only for the allies, but for everyone involved. i think you would find it very enlightening.

best wishes and happy new year---

Captain1ma aka Jaeger1
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 10:22:18 AM by captain1ma »

Offline Bino

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Re: Fortress over Europe, It was awful!
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2013, 05:14:38 AM »
Dito! Have the numbers been run? Do we know win/lose?  :aok

I am working up the final scores and will post here in this forum in the next few days.   :salute

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