Author Topic: finn volunteers again  (Read 986 times)

Offline LLv34_Dictonius

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finn volunteers again
« on: March 13, 2014, 04:50:32 PM »
Yes... we have this annual AH meeting at Virrat in 10th to 13th of April. Pretty soon now that is. And was wondering if there was anything going on at the scenario front we might assist with?  ;)
Current handle: Tikto
Member of the big finnish squadron Vaasan Vaakalentäjät

Offline Brooke

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Re: finn volunteers again
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2014, 01:45:45 AM »
We won't have a scenario running by then, but I could set up a "This Day in WWII" event for you guys.

Unfortunately, I can't use the Karelia terrain yet (not cleared for use in special events yet).  Below is the list of terrains I can use.  If you want to give me a terrain suggestion and a plane set, I can set something up.  You could use a substitute terrain for the real region you have in mind.  I've done that in the past for Stalingrad and Pearl Harbor, for example.

03/16/2011 - aleutian (PTO)
03/11/2010 - arden08s (ETO)
08/20/2010 - baltic (EF, I believe this is the old MA terrain)
12/09/2010 - bigocean (PTO)
06/01/2012 - blksea (ETO)
06/01/2012 - blkseaw (ETO)  (winter Version of Black Sea)
03/01/2010 - bob09 (ETO)
                - bob40 (ETO)
                - bof40 (ETO)
                - bof44 (ETO)
07/07/2009 - coralsea (PTO)
                - france43
01/27/2012 - Germany (ETO)
01/27/2012 - Germanyw (ETO)   > Winter version of Germany
09/10/2009 - Greece (MTO)
10/15/2010 - Hungary (EF)
06/03/2011 - Italy (MTO)
04/08/2011 - Japan (PTO)
04/25/2011 - koth08 (specialty terrain)
06/08/2010 - Luzon (PTO)
10/14/2012 - Mariana (PTO)
10/05/2011 - Midway (PTO)
09/26/2010 - Mindan09 (PTO)
08/12/2011 - NewBrit (PTO)
                - Normandy (ETO)
            ?? - Northsea (ETO)
02/08/2011 - Okinawa (PTO)
06/08/2010 - race10 (specialty terrain)
02/08/2011 - racetest (specialty terrain)
05/05/2011 - Rangoon (PTO)
01/10/2011 - Rhinewin (ETO)
04/08/2011 - sdl (specialty terrain)
09/24/2012 - Solomons (PTO)
02/16/2011 - Tunisia (MTO)