Author Topic: Typhoon  (Read 1474 times)

Offline Zacherof

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2014, 08:48:19 AM »
My favorite slash fighter, and love hard rudder kicks to get that sweet over shoot shot
In game name Xacherof
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Offline Brooke

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2014, 03:57:48 PM »
The Typhoon is a decent plane.  Very fast down low, great firepower, decent climb down low (3400 fpm), smaller turn radius than a P-38 or P-51.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2014, 05:16:13 PM »
The Typhoon is a decent plane.  Very fast down low, great firepower, decent climb down low (3400 fpm), smaller turn radius than a P-38 or P-51.

Agreed.  I'm always surprised how fast it is and how well it climbs, for such a truck. 

Plus, you'll surprise quite a few people when you don't boom and zoom.

- oldman

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2014, 01:35:20 AM »
A8 is worse in all respect but roll and terminal dive speed compared with the typhoon.

The most one-dimensional aircraft in-game.
Come with alt, pick, run. If you stand and fight, you die. This simple  :uhoh
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline SirNuke

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2014, 02:22:21 AM »
A8 is worse in all respect but roll and terminal dive speed compared with the typhoon.

we said aircraft, not brick  :)

Offline Debrody

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2014, 04:29:31 AM »
A8 is worse in all respect but roll and terminal dive speed compared with the typhoon.

Luved the spinning brick attack on the 190s  :)
City of ice

Offline Fulcrum

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2014, 08:45:46 AM »
The most one-dimensional aircraft in-game.
Come with alt, pick, run. If you stand and fight, you die. This simple  :uhoh

Lots of people say that about the Dora, my friend.  But as you have pointed out all depends on who's flying it.  :D

I use to fly the Typhoon quite a bit so here's some advice: 

1.) Yes, the roll rate is bad.  That being said, I've won plenty of fights in a flat scissors against some very good Dora and 47 pilots because a.) they were overconfident and didn't convert the fight to a rolling scissors when they should have,  b.) a close in crossing snapshot from four hispanos will ruin anyone's day, and c.) scissors are as much about slowing down faster than your opponent as they are about roll rate...and the Typhoon slows down fast!  Just don't miss the crossing shot when you get will get only one or two at most before you run out of E.   Typhoon bleeds E like a hemophiliac when doing anything but going straight.

2.) As Butcher and Zach pointed out, rudder authority is very must use it to help gain angles and improve roll and turn.  If you seldom use rudder when flying or don't do so correctly you likely will not be very successful in the Typhoon.

2.) The Typhoon can won't win any awards, but if you keep your speed up above 300 it will do just fine.  Lead turns are very important in a Typhoon,more so than many other rides, to compensate for the average turning ability.

3.) Below 8K its one of the best fighters in the game.  Speed and hitting power in one package. That being said, Typhoons need to fear two fighters below 8K: 

    - The LA7, which can do just about anything the Typhoon can do, only better.  Long range shots (i.e. 400+ yards) being the obvious exception.

    - The Spit 16 for basically the same reasons as the LA, the obvious difference being the Spitteen isn't quite as fast but is fast enough to stay with and kill you before your speed advantage can gain you separation.

4.) As others have said - Think right turns.  You want to avoid going left and fighting that monster torque if at all possible.  The downside to this is everyone knows you want to turn right and will, if they are smart, do everyting possible to force a fight into one that makes you turn left.
Going by "Hoplite" now. :)

Offline Moordeeb

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Re: Typhoon
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2014, 03:45:57 PM »
The Typhoon is my favorite plane to defend against carrier attacks for all the reasons already mentioned. While the furballs keep the soon to be fresh kills distracted, the typhoon slash attacks and kills anything within its guns solution. As for ammo quantity, the four hispanos only require a one second burst so ammo lasts alot longer than you think. As a rule, I use the "one, one thousand" count to limit my gun burst time, if you need more time than that you are doing something wrong. Understand the limitation of the aircraft and know that situtational awareness is paramount for survival in this plane. So extend when an enemy plane with an e-advantage starts looking at you and make good use of friendly planes and ack - this is not a plane that you want to get caught in without help nearby unless you are a highly skilled pilot which i'm not. But, learn to fly her correctly and with the right tactics and she is alot of fun.

Turn & Burn