The limited time WEP in AH is a simple representation of various limitations that prevented pilots from flying on WEP 100% of the time. In some planes it was a hard limit due to limited water supply for water-injection, while in others it was mostly an engine health issue.
When we rearm at the pad, the plane is fully loaded and ready to go in 30 seconds. This is of course a "game play" rule because real planes were not refueled and rearmed at such a short time and not while the engine was running. Real planes with water-injection would have their water tank refilled. Planes without a hard limit on WEP could use it away normally without full service to the engine.
I therefore think that WEP should also be "reloaded", i.e. its timer refreshed. Some planes are heavily reliant on WEP and they suffer more than others. Probably the worst are Spit14s and Mossies with the worst ratio of use/cool times of 5/15 minutes and a huge performance boost with the WEP. P-47N/M, 109G14/K4 and 190A8 also desperately need their WEP and though their use/cool cycle is better, to get their full WEP time back takes about half their sortie time (at least the 109s and 190).
I see no "game play" reason not to reset WEP, but maybe I miss something.