Speaking as an Aussie (and only speaking for myself), I tend to go through periods of 6 months at a time where I fly every night (Sydney time, where the 16 players were mentioned by the OP), and 6 months where I only fly FSO.
Up until 8 or 9 months ago, the general numbers were 70/80 on from 7:30 Sydney time, and there was no problem finding a fight most of the time, and if not, it was easy to get 2 mates to up with you and attempt a base take, that would generally stir things up enough so some dogfighting could be done, in fact, the smaller numbers were somewhat of a good thing, as most people flying only wanted to fight, not horde or pick and run (IMHO of course).
I'm in the 6 months where I only fly FSO at the moment, so can't really comment on the current state of the off hours arena, but I also agree that something could be done to attract new players, the only problem being that it's not easy to do, I've shown maybe 35 people the game, and only ever "converted" one person, WW2 flight combat is inherently a niche market.
Personally, I'm here until the doors close, and I'm sure HT is listening to the small map rotation ideas, and probably has some of his own, wait and see is all I can advise.