I think you are talking about the flap and gear sounds? They are intentionally at a lower volume level for realism. The 109 flap for instance is a hand actuated wheel. There is not much sound that comes from that, so it is actually louder than it would be in real life. The same is true of the I16, which is a hand cranked wheel. The Ki67 is piloted from the right, and the co-pilot actuates the flaps by a hand turned wheel.
There are still a few mistakes in the pack, which I was hoping someone would have pointed out by now. The Ta152, for instance, has the stall horn from the Arado 234 (the real one). As far as I have been able to tell it is the only example of a stall horn to have existed during the war. It is a device that was patented two or three months before the end of the war in America, but was supposed to have been in an Arado one month later. I found it much more likely that the Americans installed it during their flights in America, so I was not intending to use it. The Ta also has a stress horn, which was not used during the war. That is a recording of a strobe powering up and amplified 1,000 times (approximately). It was for testing purposes and not intended for release. The engine sound is a recording made from the supercharger (the engine sound is subdued to the background). It should have been mixed with the sound "ENGcurrent," which is the Ta152 sound I was using previously. I was testing the supercharger sound for Doppler shifts and left it as the engine sound when I packed up for publishing.
And before anyone asks the La7 stall horn is a Russian rooster, which means a rooster crow was used as an impulse to create the sound. It is a facsimile of a Russian stall horn used in aircraft immediately following the war.
Approximately 82% of the sounds are live recordings. The rest are either hard sounds, foley sounds, synthetic sounds from various impulses, or a mixture of the three. I have designed some equipment changes which should make collecting more aircraft sounds even easier for me, so I believe as time moves forward these sounds will only improve. At this point I cannot promise regular updates though.