dude you guys are a squadron. dont you communicate with each other? I have yet to see most of my squadron on the same side. as for the "we balance the numbers" I call that bs. i have seen you on the high side a lot. oh sorry that's cause of the 12 hour switch time
Correct. Or if the disparity is slight. If it is 57 -54 - 60 and we are on the 60 we won't burn our one chance to switch over that.
Glad you read what I wrote and subliminally reposted it. I will requote part of it for you.
Or we switch during peak to balance out the numbers only to find that four hours later we are now off-peak high side with nobody to fight.
It is impossible to predict which side will have numbers. We always go to the low one but that doesn't hold indefinitely as people come and go.
Admittedly I prefer Bish because I started there, but I switch when my squaddies do. Our objective is to find a fight not bore holes in empty air.
Also, unlike you, I don't live on the game. I work for a living. My squad mates are all over the world. "Hey, we switched to Knights" in an email doesn't do me any good when I am four hours away from even logging on or haven't played in a few days. How you got the notion we don't communicate is beyond me.
Let me try to explain it slowwwwwwly. We don't all play at the same times from start to finish. We don't all play every single day. Some guys do and some don't. A guy can login after being away a few days and be on the wrong side. He switches and now everyone of our group gets stuck because we can only go as fast as the slowest man's timer. Got it?
(Gotta' love all these Internet wiseguys.)