I don't believe it's a stupid concept, just that it is impractical in the current game environment. I put forth an alternate idea a while back for a deploy-able and temporary FOB, or forward operating base. Using multiple Goon or M3 runs, you could build a temporary base from which to spawn certain unit types. For instance, you could build a Fighter FOB that would allow you to spawn fighters/fight-bombers, but not medium or heavy bombers. Or, it could be a GV FOB, where you could spawn light and medium GVs. It would have only light defenses, or perhaps only player-manned defenses (i.e. spawn a GV to defend it), and would only remain in existence for a set time-frame (extendable by resupplying it). The idea is that it would take a concerted effort by a team, over some limited amount of time, to set one up. Perhaps all necessary initial build supplies would have to be delivered within 15 minutes or you have to start over; then you'd need a resupply run every 20 minutes to keep it operational. Obviously a lot of pros and cons, as well as details to work out, but would make for a more fluid war.