Author Topic: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?  (Read 19295 times)

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #135 on: April 29, 2014, 08:01:45 PM »
When would the 1944 TBM-3 not be favored over the B5N?

Under the conditions of Coral Sea scenarios and This Day:  Coral Sea.  That is the subject of the voluminous discussion and data above.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #136 on: April 29, 2014, 08:03:36 PM »
It was rhetorical.
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #137 on: April 29, 2014, 10:58:22 PM »
No, some A6M2 pilots (some who have never flown in either the scenario or the "This Day" events) feel that TBM's are too hard to shoot down compared to what they think a TBD would be like.  The large majority of pilots like the Coral Sea scenario and This Day event just fine.

I suspect some aren't aware of the degree to which the TBM out performs the TBD, and that others are simply less vocal. While it might not ruin the scenario, I'd be willing to bet that those A6M pilots tasked with hunting them would much prefer the B5N be used, were they informed of the performance numbers.

You know, when I have already posted the answer to exactly that question in this very topic, when you didn't read that response and now keep asking me to look it up for you, and when looking it up takes me time as it would you, I get the feeling that you think my time is less valuable than yours, which, I assure you, is not the case.

I did read the response, and based on what I've observed, it appears to be incorrect. You say skins are built into the map. For the MA, this is provably incorrect, as we don't have to download a new terrain each time we get a new pack of skins. Even the default skin appears not to be built into the terrain, as we don't have to redlownload every terrain whenever we get new aircraft added to the game. I suppose for the default skin, the other possibility is that the terrain files are redownloaded along with the version update.

AS for the SEA, I've also been in the SEA without needing to download a new terrain file each time we get a new aircraft or skin pack.

So like I said... humor me.

No, it's not based on what we know at the moment.

Yes, it is. What we know the B5N2's performance most closely matches the TBD's, its rear firepower most closely matches the TBD's.

The TBM's forward firepower is either a fair approximation of the TBD's, or grossly in excess of it, depending on when it got the .50, and its blue.

For god only knows why, you've ranked blueness and its forward firepower (frankly pretty irrelevant to the survival of the bombers, apparently) as being more important than performance and the firepower than will be doing most of the shooting.

The TBD is infinity times the forward firepower of the B5N, which is my main point.  Also, the TBD had a 30 cal or a 50 cal.  I'm not sure when it got the 50 cal.  If 50, the TBM has 2x the forward firepower of the TBD.
Okay, so forward firepower MIGHT be somewhat close to that of the TBD.

What is useful is knowing how fast you can dive before parts come off, at what speed compressibility sets in, and at what speed you can no longer maneuver well.  I don't think that Vne is any of those.  I would think it would be at least the first of those, but some planes go well beyond their Vne will no ill effects, both in AH and in real life.

Its as close as we're going to get. You can either accept the data that I can find, go dig up your own, or quit using these points as arguments.

That will be very hard to determine, I think.  I think that the best you will get is a statement that it didn't have self-sealing fuel tanks and anecdotal statements like "it had poor armor".  Keep in mind, though, that a statement like "it had poor armor" isn't very useful other than knowing, I guess (although even that is not certain) that it at least had some armor, unlike perhaps the B5N.
See above

No, I don't assume that.  But I don't assume the opposite either.
Then why not say "we don't have enough information for this to be a useful point for either side a the moment" instead of saying "but it might be closer to the TBM, we don't know"?

No.  The TBD is closer to the B5N in top level speed and rear firepower. It is closer to the TBM in forward firepower.

0.29lbs of damage from a single .30cal is closer to 0 damage from no guns, than it is to 2.34lbs of damage from a pair of .50's.

In terms of destructive potential, its closer to the B5N. In terms of actually having a gun, its closer to to the TBM.

But frankly, quantifiable data matters more to me than you feeling better as you essentially flip an attacking fighter the bird by firing at him as he passes.

It is closer to the TBM in being actually a USN aircraft.

And here I think we've come to the crux of the problem.

Yes its a USN aircraft, but that's irrelevant since its not representing itself. The only benefit derived from it being a USN aircraft is that its already blue (although the wrong shade)

It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of sturdiness.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of dive ability.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of turning ability.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of handling at speed.

Its not unclear, its entirely unknown at this point. I said I would try and find information as to this, but you seemed to not like that much.

While I understand its not a perfect analogue I just want so say that the performance difference between the TBD and the TBM is greater than that between the 109G-6/AS and the 109K. And yet I bet everyone would scream bloody murder if it was used as a stand-in for the G-6/AS.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 11:05:02 PM by Tank-Ace »
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #138 on: April 30, 2014, 12:30:13 AM »
I suspect some aren't aware of the degree to which the TBM out performs the TBD, and that others are simply less vocal. While it might not ruin the scenario, I'd be willing to bet that those A6M pilots tasked with hunting them would much prefer the B5N be used, were they informed of the performance numbers.

AH pilots tend to know the AH aircraft.  Also, the scenario isn't about only the A6M2 pilots.  The most-vocal pilots are the ones who have complaints, not the ones who are content.  So, when you go by what people mention, it is biased in the negative direction, not the positive one.  Also, what I talked about is backed up by polling.  Purporting that people probably aren't happy or shouldn't be happy isn't going to get much yardage.

I did read the response, and based on what I've observed, it appears to be incorrect.

I see . . . you can't take my word for it.  If there is a new skin in the MA, you can use it on the Special Events servers.  However, HTC doesn't allow you to put non-historical skins into the MA.  So, no US-skinned B5N's, no Japanese-skinned Bf 110's, etc. in the MA.  They allow you to put such non-historical skins into the Special Events servers, but only by building the skins into a Special Events terrain.  Hence:  "The problem is that you can't put skins into a scenario without them being built into the terrain." -- unless that has recently changed, and I don't know it (which isn't impossible, I suppose).

For god only knows why, you've ranked blueness

When people fly in a scenario, the experience is enhanced if they are flying USN planes when they are representing the USN in the event, rather than flying Japanese planes and especially rather than flying Japanese-marked Japanese planes.  It's the same reason the experience is enhanced by having a historical terrain, rather than any old terrain on which you say "a19 represents Berlin", and by having clouds and sky color that is an approximation of the weather during the historical battle, having snow on the ground if there was snow on the ground, having the historical squadron labels, and having historical skins when possible.  Yes, it is also enhanced by having the historical aircraft.  So when the exact historical aircraft isn't available, and we have to substitute, there are numerous considerations.  Consider scenarios that have B-17D's.  Is a B-17G (with its much-superior defensive fire) the best substitute on performance?  Maybe a restricted-load Lancaster seems a better choice by some fighter pilots who think the B-17G is too hard to shoot down compared to what they think a B-17D would be like.  We would still use the B-17G and adjust numbers so that scenario outcome is balanced.

and its forward firepower (frankly pretty irrelevant to the survival of the bombers, apparently)

I already talked about that above.  It is not irrelevant at all to bomber pilots.

as being more important than performance

You are choosing top level speed as being most important when the data shows it doesn't much matter to frame outcome, number of torp hits, number of bombers lost to enemy fighters, or number of enemy fighters lost to bombers.

0.29lbs of damage from a single .30cal is closer to 0 damage from no guns, than it is to 2.34lbs of damage from a pair of .50's.

Tell me -- if someone is on the tail of your fighter pinging it with one 30 cal, are you going to sit there unmoving or move?  That's the importance of the forward-firing gun.  There have been *so many times* I have wished for even one 30 cal forward gun on the B5N.

Yes its a USN aircraft, but that's irrelevant since its not representing itself. The only benefit derived from it being a USN aircraft is that its already blue (although the wrong shade)

I disagree.

I said I would try and find information as to this, but you seemed to not like that much.

Vne won't tell you what is useful.  You can find it or not as you wish.  What would be more useful is finding out what armor the TBD had.  Where was it, what was it, and what was its thickness compared to what the B5N has (if anything) and compared to what the TBM has.

While I understand its not a perfect analogue I just want so say that the performance difference between the TBD and the TBM is greater than that between the 109G-6/AS and the 109K. And yet I bet everyone would scream bloody murder if it was used as a stand-in for the G-6/AS.

In scenarios, there is always a group of people screaming bloody murder over some particular item, no matter which way you set it.  That has been true since scenarios were invented in 1993 (where I CO'ed in the first one and was the person who was screaming bloody murder over some aspect that, with the benefit of experience, I now recognize as trivial).  If we had a scenario, needed Bf 109K's, and only Bf 109G's where available, we'd likely use Bf 109G's and adjust things to balance the scenario.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 12:31:53 AM by Brooke »

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #139 on: April 30, 2014, 08:23:43 AM »
The data isn't invalid.  The data is the data.  You can gather it from FSO's if you want and let us know what it says, but there are only two things that come to mind that would bias the TBM vs. B5N statistics.

1. If ack strength isn't sufficiently low.  Then, the extra robustness of the TBM will make an enormous difference.  If FSO auto ack can shoot down a B5N, or if either 5" or quad 40 mm or both are enabled, it is not comparable to the scenario or This Day environment.

2. If A6M2's are not attacking TBM's when they have the opportunity to do so.  I've never seen that happen in scenarios or This Day events, but two people commented on their squads choosing not to do so in FSO's.  I think it's an MA squad dynamic, which isn't present in scenarios or This Day.

I never said that your data was invalid. I sad that it is incomplete, due to you using logs from TDI events, since it does not paint the complete picture of what happens in fully organized events. As I stated before, TDI allows players to engage and attack on their own initiative. That means the kills/deaths and sunken ship stats that you take from those logs potentially have a large variance over what woukl have been seen had all attacks been conducted in organized groups. The trends in your data should be checked against the trends from FSO and scenarios and be included if they reasonably jive with the rest of the data.

It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of sturdiness.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of dive ability.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of turning ability.  It is unclear which it is closer to in terms of handling at speed.
The TBM and B5N both have great dive abilities, each able to reach 520mph in a dive from 20K and pull out without damage from that that speed. I'd say that figuring the dive abilities of the TBD is moot in this case because the dive abilites of the TBM and B5N are essentially equal.

That's why I mentioed that regardless of which plane is substituted for the TBD, there needs to be a very low alt cap (not higher than 5K) set in place for torpedo attackers.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #140 on: April 30, 2014, 08:57:14 AM »
AH pilots tend to know the AH aircraft.  Also, the scenario isn't about only the A6M2 pilots.  The most-vocal pilots are the ones who have complaints, not the ones who are content.  So, when you go by what people mention, it is biased in the negative direction, not the positive one.  Also, what I talked about is backed up by polling.  Purporting that people probably aren't happy or shouldn't be happy isn't going to get much yardage.

Very rarely do content people work towards improvment, and that applies across any human endevour. It's called complancy. Complancent people do not push for change, period. Hence any change that comes was iniated by people from a disenfranchised position. History has proven this to be a universial fact.

As you undoubtedly know, special events require balencing playability: the balance in the ability for each side to win in an even battle, against historical accuracy: the percieved ability for the event to replcate the historical events as they unfolded in real life.

Substituting the TBM for the TBF satisfies niether of these critera. The TMB skews the playability in favor of the Allies, and also skews the historical accuracy further from reality than if the B5N were substituted.

When people fly in a scenario, the experience is enhanced if they are flying USN planes when they are representing the USN in the event, rather than flying Japanese planes and especially rather than flying Japanese-marked Japanese planes.  It's the same reason the experience is enhanced by having a historical terrain, rather than any old terrain on which you say "a19 represents Berlin", and by having clouds and sky color that is an approximation of the weather during the historical battle, having snow on the ground if there was snow on the ground, having the historical squadron labels, and having historical skins when possible.  Yes, it is also enhanced by having the historical aircraft.  So when the exact historical aircraft isn't available, and we have to substitute, there are numerous considerations.  Consider scenarios that have B-17D's.  Is a B-17G (with its much-superior defensive fire) the best substitute on performance?  Maybe a restricted-load Lancaster seems a better choice by some fighter pilots who think the B-17G is too hard to shoot down compared to what they think a B-17D would be like.  We would still use the B-17G and adjust numbers so that scenario outcome is balanced.

Do not confuse immersion with historical accuracy. Immersion is relative.

You mention that the immersion of a USN torpedo squad is lost by having them fly a Japanese skinned aircraft, I would also contend that immersion is equally lost by A6M attacking Japanese skinned planes. So I'll call it a wash.

What about the immersion of the A6m2 pilot having to attack the far supior TBM, is that also not ruined? One substitue only effects asthetics whereas the outher tilts the ballance of playability.  That is why we are pushing for a change.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #141 on: April 30, 2014, 09:58:33 AM »
On skins:

The default skin provided, by the game, can be replaced by building the skin into any given terrain.  It is an option we made available specifically for events.  It is the only way to get a non-historic skin on a plane and use it online, in the game.

Of course, the big risk in doing that occurs when we update that 3D model and the skin will no longer work for it, requiring the terrain to be reworked and updated.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 11:27:45 AM by Skuzzy »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #142 on: April 30, 2014, 12:47:37 PM »
AH pilots tend to know the AH aircraft.  Also, the scenario isn't about only the A6M2 pilots.  The most-vocal pilots are the ones who have complaints, not the ones who are content.  So, when you go by what people mention, it is biased in the negative direction, not the positive one.  Also, what I talked about is backed up by polling.  Purporting that people probably aren't happy or shouldn't be happy isn't going to get much yardage.

This typically extends to their primary rides, and the big boys of the war like the B-17, and the P-51D. Even then, you get a lot of misinformation from anecdotes of pilots running 150 octane fuel, or that over-boosted the engine, or what have you. Hell, even simple ignorance comes into play.

For example, a fair handful of players from a certian unnamed squad seem discontent with the P-51D's modeling. According to them, it should be better because the USA won the war, and obviously if 109's are beating them, then the P-51 is under modeled. Screw the fact that there were 150 octane mustangs not represented in AH, and that latewar improvements to the 109G-10 and K-4 gave them parity or an advantage at high altitude.

According to one of them, the P-51D is "slow, barely breaking 300mph on the deck. And it climbs like s**t". When I confirmed that a 25% fuel P-51D was in fact capable of 368mph and ~2900fpm "as per the charts", his only response was "well who's charts are they"?

Ask your average AH player what the top speed of the G-10 was vs the K4, vs the G-14, and they couldn't give you an answer. Unless I miss my guess, most would probably just go with the G-14 because they both have G in the name.

Now you can argue that the scenario crowd is more likely to know more, and I'll accept that. However as example, were you to take a poll asking "did you know the TBD's top speed was only 202mph?" most would say no. We don't have the TBD, and no matter how much you love AH, theres no guarantee you're also a history buff.

Obviously people know the TBM does not make a perfect TBD; its a latewar replacement for it, how could it NOT be better. But I suspect that many aren't aware that there is at least a 53mph deck speed difference, and a ~75mph speed difference at altitude.

When people fly in a scenario, the experience is enhanced if they are flying USN planes when they are representing the USN in the event, rather than flying Japanese planes and especially rather than flying Japanese-marked Japanese planes.

I disagree with that point when substitutions are involved. Say we're doing an italian scenario, and want to represent the Re.2005 with a Spitfire VIII. The Spitfire is reminiscent of the 2005, and give it an Italian skin, and it would make a pretty damn fair visual approximation of one. Yeah, it would be using a Merlin instead of a DB 605, but you don't SEE the engine.

I disagree with this point especially considering that you could make a case that the TBD actually looks more like a B5N than it does a TBM.

I've flown 110C's as substitute for Ki-45's, and the fact that it was a 110C in no way broke the immersion, thanks in part to the excellent skin by Krusty. It looked Japanese, I was flying for the Japanese, shooting at things that looked allied, and being shot at because I looked Japanese. Now the skin part I give you. However given that Skuzzy has spoken up, I'd like to see what he has to say as to the difficulty of building in the skin vs the risk involved.

It's the same reason the experience is enhanced by having a historical terrain, rather than any old terrain on which you say "a19 represents Berlin", and by having clouds and sky color that is an approximation of the weather during the historical battle, having snow on the ground if there was snow on the ground, having the historical squadron labels, and having historical skins when possible.  Yes, it is also enhanced by having the historical aircraft.

But thats exactly what you're doing. You're telling everyone to just pretend its a TBD, despite the fact that it makes a rather aggressively poor approximation of one.

So when the exact historical aircraft isn't available, and we have to substitute, there are numerous considerations.  Consider scenarios that have B-17D's.  Is a B-17G (with its much-superior defensive fire) the best substitute on performance?  Maybe a restricted-load Lancaster seems a better choice by some fighter pilots who think the B-17G is too hard to shoot down compared to what they think a B-17D would be like.  We would still use the B-17G and adjust numbers so that scenario outcome is balanced.

Here's the thing, in your example, you're substituting a B-17 in for a different B-17, I would assume because of the fact that it is infact a B-17, and looks like another B-17. But you're not doing that here, you're substituting in an entirely different aircraft, that neither approximates the TBD in performance, firepower, or looks aside from the fact that its also blue.

I already talked about that above.  It is not irrelevant at all to bomber pilots.
But its not irrelevant to the A6M pilots either. 2 .50's is enough to seriously damage an A6M, where as a single .30 is not, unless the guy is ether EXTREMELY accurate, or very lucky.

You are choosing top level speed as being most important when the data shows it doesn't much matter to frame outcome, number of torp hits, number of bombers lost to enemy fighters, or number of enemy fighters lost to bombers.

I'm choosing top level speed and firepower over blueness (and not even the correct shade of blue), yes.

Tell me -- if someone is on the tail of your fighter pinging it with one 30 cal, are you going to sit there unmoving or move?  That's the importance of the forward-firing gun.  There have been *so many times* I have wished for even one 30 cal forward gun on the B5N.
If there is a single .30 pinging me and I have 75mph on the guy, I'll move a little bit to spoil his aim, and continue on wherever the hell I was going to go. I'm certianly not going to go "Oh god!!!!" and pull a split-S to escape the overwhelming destructive capacity of a .30.

I disagree.
And I respect that, however just because you're a CM doesn't mean you are right. It does, for better and for worse, put you in a position to do something about your opinion, but it doesn't make that opinion anything more than an opinion.

Vne won't tell you what is useful.  You can find it or not as you wish.  What would be more useful is finding out what armor the TBD had.  Where was it, what was it, and what was its thickness compared to what the B5N has (if anything) and compared to what the TBM has.

As I said, I would do both.

In scenarios, there is always a group of people screaming bloody murder over some particular item, no matter which way you set it.  That has been true since scenarios were invented in 1993 (where I CO'ed in the first one and was the person who was screaming bloody murder over some aspect that, with the benefit of experience, I now recognize as trivial).  If we had a scenario, needed Bf 109K's, and only Bf 109G's where available, we'd likely use Bf 109G's and adjust things to balance the scenario.

But a G isn't just a G. Theres G-2's, G-6's, G-14's, and G-10's. The best I can come up with is using a G-14 to represent the K4 instead of the G-10, despite the fact that the G-10 is a closer approximation of the K4.

And we're looking at the exact opposite of the situation you put forth. You're using an over performing LW aircraft to represent a poorly performing EW aircraft. Which is why I specifically used the example of the K4 subbing for the G-6 or G-14/AS, as it is a better analogy for what we're looking at.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 12:49:30 PM by Tank-Ace »
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #143 on: April 30, 2014, 12:54:07 PM »
On skins:

The default skin provided, by the game, can be replaced by building the skin into any given terrain.  It is an option we made available specifically for events.  It is the only way to get a non-historic skin on a plane and use it online, in the game.

Of course, the big risk in doing that occurs when we update that 3D model and the skin will no longer work for it, requiring the terrain to be reworked and updated.

Skuzzy, how big of a job is building the skin into the terrain? Say Devil were to whip us up one of his skins (and given Devil's work, I have no doubt that it would be a very nice skin), would it be a matter of hours, days, weeks? Or would this be a months long process?
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #144 on: April 30, 2014, 02:45:01 PM »

Skuzzy, how big of a job is building the skin into the terrain? Say Devil were to whip us up one of his skins (and given Devil's work, I have no doubt that it would be a very nice skin), would it be a matter of hours, days, weeks? Or would this be a months long process?

Again (since I already covered that), you can't take my word for it, I guess.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #145 on: April 30, 2014, 02:51:10 PM »
I never said that your data was invalid. I sad that it is incomplete, due to you using logs from TDI events,

If you don't like the This Day data, then don't pay attention to it.  If you want FSO data analyzed, you can do so.  However, FSO's auto-ack setting is an important change that, I suspect, would show would benefit TBM's over B5N's.

What is it in This Day events that you see benefiting TBM's and not B5N's or vice versa?  A different environment that isn't biased is still OK for comparing the effectiveness of two aircraft.  It has to be a differential effect to knock out that analysis as being useful.

That's why I mentioed that regardless of which plane is substituted for the TBD, there needs to be a very low alt cap (not higher than 5K) set in place for torpedo attackers.

That would be inappropriate and contrary to some history of the use of the planes.  Besides, they are already all limited to 100 ft altitude and 200 mph on their attack runs.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #146 on: April 30, 2014, 03:16:35 PM »
Actually......US torps need to enter the water at 250mph or less, not 200mph.  According to one of the loading messages anyway....

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #147 on: April 30, 2014, 04:21:14 PM »
Very rarely do content people work towards improvement . . . [etc.]

Contentment isn't identical to complacency.  History does not show content people not working toward improvement.  Some historical examples:  large timespans in ancient Athens, large timespans for Rome, portions of the history of Britain, much of the history of America, and many individual business people, inventors, engineers, scientists, and artists who are content yet still work toward improvement.

As you undoubtedly know, special events require balencing playability: the balance in the ability for each side to win in an even battle, against historical accuracy: the percieved ability for the event to replcate the historical events as they unfolded in real life.

I am gratified to know that you undoubtedly know that I undoubtedly know that.

Substituting the TBM for the TBF satisfies niether of these critera. The TMB skews the playability in favor of the Allies, and also skews the historical accuracy further from reality than if the B5N were substituted.

See large analysis and discussion above that proves the converse.

You mention that the immersion of a USN torpedo squad is lost by having them fly a Japanese skinned aircraft, I would also contend that immersion is equally lost by A6M attacking Japanese skinned planes. So I'll call it a wash.

You are totally misunderstanding that aspect.  If one side has less immersion and another side has less immersion, it isn't a wash -- it is twice as bad.

What about the immersion of the A6m2 pilot

It's better for him (and everyone else) if we had TBD's.  It's easier for him under some circumstances (which the data seems to indicate play an insignificant part) if we used B5N's instead of TBM's.  Is it better immersion for him to shoot at B5N's?  Most of the times I've been shot up in TBM's or B5N's, it is on the deck near the target, where it doesn't matter at all what the top speed of the aircraft is.  So, if my experience is how it is in general, the A6M2 pilot's immersion is also increased by a TBM instead of a B5N.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #148 on: April 30, 2014, 04:27:19 PM »
Actually......US torps need to enter the water at 250mph or less, not 200mph.  According to one of the loading messages anyway....

Some speed is added by the drop ( vtot = sqrt(v_x^2 + v_y^2)), so unless you are at 0 ft altitude, going 250 will cause your torpedo to die.

Also, the faster you go, the longer your torpedo is below its running depth.  If you are going slow, you can get closer to a ship than if you are going fast and not have your torpedo go under the target.

Most of my drops are at 175 mph, sometimes less, in case I need to get in very close for targeting accuracy.

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Re: Hello? chirp chirp anyone out there?
« Reply #149 on: April 30, 2014, 04:34:04 PM »
This typically extends to their primary rides,  . . . [etc.]

I think that the large majority of players are happy with the scenario.  I don't think an appreciable number of them would change their minds, even if there is someone out there trying to convince them to be unhappy.

But [but but but . . .]

This is just going over the same ground again and again.