{snip}tell us what new/different thing this plane would bring to the game {snip}
I am in very late on this conversation, but I thought this was a legitimate question and one to the heart of the matter.
In my opinion, what Seadog is suggesting is more of a correction to the game choices. What he is asking for is no different from the expansion of the P40s (or actually does anyone besides me

remember the P47D30). As for what game play, there could be advantages in a number of areas, such as Scenarios, perk point multipliers, historical skins, etc.
If somewhere around half the Jug variants were razorback, then limiting the use of that variant to short range attack (no wing attachments) and fighter roles, does virtually cut down on the use of D11's. As much as I love to fly the Jug, I find a significant gap in the reward / perk system that favors 109s and even 190s in attack mode ( I may stand corrected as this is based on my

recollection of attack perks awarded in my past missions).
^^ This may be the best solution to a problem that nobody knew we had.

Since everyone is in a Bf109K4 or Spit 16 anyway (I am not judging

pilot's choice.....). In a game, risks and rewards are balanced by player skill and knowledge. (Of course, there are other factors as well, considering multiple 50 cal damage to objects versus larger rounds, and that horse I hope is not beaten to death yet).