Not a bad thought, but just curious, why specifically, do you agree with the 12 hour rule?
To stop those that would use it to ruin others gameplay. We all know it would happen.
To stop people from using it to hunt specific players for revenge because its how some peeps are.
To stop those from ruining mission planners attempts to take mud. Spies are every where.
To stop those numbnuts that would flip around and troll the text coms, flame baiting. Peeps say crap cuz they can, no real repercussions from behind a KB.
Basically the same reasons why the 12hr limit was probably implemented in the first place.
I personally like the 5min grace period idea. Gives squad players a chance to play alone till their squad shows up. The game is about FUN. Striking the right balance is always hard to do, there will always be those that are unhappy about something.
There will always be spys and trolls flame baiting. Spying is part of real war. The 12 hour limit has not stopped this, nor would any other method. Flame baiting is part of our nature, those with weak minds anyways.
Remember folks, this is the only flight sim like this left. When its gone, there will not be another. Be careful what you wish for and demand. Selfish customers is what killed FA. Warbirds was to pricey. All the other flight sims, ie: IL2 and WOP, are low player number servers....................