I have better success withmtighter conv but darned if I can figure out how to hit any conv setting other than 300. And even then I can't kill squat. Drives me nuts.
here's a problem, most people tend to screw around with the Conv, and thats what screws their aim up. Put everything at 325 or 300 or whatever the hell you want, and
leave it there. Find a gunsight that works for you (I use the German Revi on every aircraft). Learn to spot your shots.
If any of my old films could actually be viewed I'd send you some, apparently year old films don't work anymore sorry.
If I can shoot down 9 planes in a Hurricane I in an FSO event, you can do the same with any aircraft, you just have to keep your converg and don't sway to far away from your choices. (I mean if you are going to fly a P51D, stick with planes with the 6x 50s configuration).
Reason is the balistics are far different in other aircraft, going to a typhoon with 4x bazookas isn't going to help your aim in a 51. Learn how much damage you can do on snapshots, how much you need to fire before it sets a plane on fire or major chunks comes off.
I always preach, I stick to two aircraft per tour, for example my best tour was flying a P-38J and a C.205. Next tour would be a Ki-84 and a Brewster. The reason I stuck with two like this, was so I wouldn't be bored, yet I had enough flight hours in both aircraft that my aim wouldn't be to shotty.
It takes time to be able to pick a wing and saw it off, eventually you get to that level when you home in your gunnery, I can say it won't happen over night.