I have a couple other hobbies outside AH and participate in a few other message boards. One hobby puts me on national/international message board and a local (to my state) board. In my experience, the local message boards are MUCH more civil than the the bigger boards. My theory for why that may be has to do with accountability. Locally, there's a LARGE chance someone knows you or will actually meet you in person. Therefore, the contributors police themselves because there are repercussions for their actions on the boards. Unfortunately for us and HT on this BBS there is a large degree of annonimity and therefore people are much more apt to do/say the wrong thing.
When I think about how much time the HT crew spends policing our actions here, it bothers me. Their time could be much better spent.
I can't account for other people's actions so I'll take responsibility for my own...
I, LilMak, in an effort to create a more perfect community, vow to understand and never intentionally break the rules set forth in this forum from this day forward. I also vow to be civil and respectful to those who post to these forums as well.