Author Topic: July 2014 - Snapshots  (Read 546 times)

Offline Mystic2

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July 2014 - Snapshots
« on: June 16, 2014, 09:08:29 AM »
July Snapshot Schedule

All Events begin at 9:30pm Eastern time in SEA II every Wednesday night.
All are welcome to attend. No registration, sign up or squad affiliation needed. Simply show up, read the Arena Message, choose a side and plane then get ready to fight!

Jul 02 14   Mojo   Night Hunters
The RAF and USAAF bombed German targets around the clock during the early months of 1943 into the month of March. Area bombing along with precision bombing were delegated to specialty squadrons. The RAF focused on night raids making night fighting a unique yet deadly skill.
The Luftwaffe was up to the challenge and the BF110 proved to be very successful as a night hunter. In the dark night sky, both sides depended on radar reports and on-board tracking devices that were often jammed or outdated depending on the other sides latest invention

Jul 09 14   68Jr   The Desert Fox
On December 7th 1941 a different battle of desperation raged on the African continent. The Desert Fox, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Korp forces, low on fuel, ammunition, and other provisions faced annihilation by the attacking British Commonwealth Forces and the venerable RAF. This SNAPSHOT will reenact the desert defense of the Afrika Korp forces at Gazala in late 1941. A date that would live in infamy.

Jul 16 14   68Raptor   Operation Goodwood
The night of July 31, 1944 the German battleship Tirpitz carried out exercises at sea for the last time. Three weeks later the Fleet Air Arm returned to the fray with a series of attacks under the operational codename 'Goodwood I, II, III, IV', using 5 aircraft carriers, Indefatigable, Formidable, Furious, Nabob and Trumpeter. They were determined to end the threat of the Tirpitz to the northern shipping lanes to Murmansk. The FAA, flying Barracuda dive bombers, F6F Hellcats, F4F Wildcats and F4U Corsairs made repeated attacks on the Tirpitz while it was anchored in Altenfjord. Much to the dismay of the Kriegsmarine, the Luftwaffe refused to interfere with the Fleet Air Arm operations due to infighting between the offices of D-nitz and G-ring. It was inevitable that the FAA was victorious, and while not sinking the Tirpitz, certainly kept it out of the war until the RAF could administer the coupe-de-grace.

Jul 23 14   Mojo   Rabaul
During the fall of 1943. B-24 Liberators of the army Air Force pound the harbor and docks of Rabaul whilst the Marines Corps pilots of VMF-214 - the famous Black Sheep Squadron - provide top cover in their F4U Corsairs. Japanese A6m5s scramble to intercept and destroy the incoming bombers and their fighter escort.

Jul 30 14   68Raptor   Budapest
 It is mid 1944, and the Soviet Union is pressing its forces in Hungary. Budapest is hanging in the balance, as Soviet forces attack from the southeast. Constant bombing raids occurred over Budapest at this time. The Hungarian Air Force engaged these bombers as best as they could. In this snapshot, we will re-create a VVS attack on Budapest and the surrounding area, with the Hungarian Air Force defending.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 10:17:55 AM by Mystic2 »
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