Author Topic: Inactive players should be auto disconnected  (Read 7647 times)

Offline waystin2

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2014, 10:59:17 AM »

Late war. Seems early euro morning or euro afternoon = us late night or morning

Thanks Lusche.  My bed time is around 3 AM EST on weekends and considerably earlier during the work week.  Definitely not familiar with arena conditions at that time.
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Offline Randy1

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2014, 11:25:34 AM »
I use to be for the eny system but having watched the P-51D guys take a hit all too often, it is time for it to go or change. 

I always go to a P-38J or a D11 so most of the time it is not a bother to me.

Maybe a more extreme perk cut might do the trick.  I had thought perk bonus but that would be abused.

Offline Tinkles

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2014, 11:28:07 AM »

Which could eman that mass horde missions could easily get around ENY restirictions. Everybody lands and get to tower, ENY drops by a huge amount, then the mission auto launches.

My thinking on how to balance this.

Say 20 people are inflight, making ENY 20 (keeping it simple).  I post a mission, so 15 of them 'wait' in the tower, lowering ENY to 5.  When all 15 join the mission, ENY goes back up to 20.   In other words, when you join a mission, your 'ticket/that player' is included in the 'inflight' tally because they are about to be in flight.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2014, 11:37:11 AM »
 In other words, when you join a mission, your 'ticket/that player' is included in the 'inflight' tally because they are about to be in flight.

Very easy to get around this. Missions will become "informal", 2 or 3 squads + friends  just gathering  in the towser without posting an official mission.
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Offline Karnak

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2014, 11:40:47 AM »
There is a long list of excellent aircraft that are rarely, or never, affected by ENY.  The problem is that none of them are P-51Ds or other low ENY ride of choice.
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2014, 11:58:56 AM »
In the words of Skuzzy it is a "nudge"  :D

But it's not the main purpose (which would also be impossible because of the time restriction). It's first and foremost simply meant as a handicap for the side with numbers.

Prezactly. :aok

Offline Tinkles

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2014, 12:09:20 PM »

Very easy to get around this. Missions will become "informal", 2 or 3 squads + friends  just gathering  in the towser without posting an official mission.

Was just a thought, I prefer 20+ eny planes anyways.   :cheers:
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Offline Rogue9Volt

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2014, 12:24:28 PM »
Often, I have to go afk to deal with my kids.  This would present a huge problem for me if I were get booted and have to re-log every time I went idle.  So that idea sucks for me.

I'm sorry there's ENY problems.  I'll support an ENY solution, but Don't boot me, bro!!!

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Offline LilMak

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2014, 02:00:29 PM »
Couldn't there be a sliding perk scale when ENY kicks in. Rather than restricting aircraft, it adds cost to common rides with low ENY?

Want to fly a Pony amogst the horde? Sure! That'll be 10 perks.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 02:03:05 PM by LilMak »
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Offline Naughty

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2014, 06:13:30 PM »

   I brought this ENY crap up a few months ago when it was the BISH getting the short end, but received little sympathy from the NITs and ROOKS. glad to see they are starting to understand the issues.

      BIGGEST problem..  It's a THREE country war ! sooo ??  well  ROOKs have more players, so they get ENY. Now BISH and NITs double team them. ROOKS are now out numbered AND out classed.

      other problem..  I keep seeing the vets here say "well there are plenty of planes that ENY doesn't effect "   yeah, well that's OK if you have been playing the game for 10 years and are well practiced. But what about the NEWBS ?
      The fresh players trying to learn the game ? the players HTC and us NEED in order to keep this game alive ? yea, lets make them fly relics while pilots with 10 years exp BnZ them in ponys. im sure they'll stick around.

      and the 3rd problem, as this thread states, is tower sitters and campers influencing the ENY. I don't know how many times we've had an ENY of 20, and I could only see 5-10 friendly dots on the entire map. (yes, "spawn
      camping" is considered to be "in flight")

             For the love of god, Abolish ENY !!!  :rock
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Offline Tinkles

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2014, 07:06:05 PM »
   I brought this ENY crap up a few months ago when it was the BISH getting the short end, but received little sympathy from the NITs and ROOKS. glad to see they are starting to understand the issues.

      BIGGEST problem..  It's a THREE country war ! sooo ??  well  ROOKs have more players, so they get ENY. Now BISH and NITs double team them. ROOKS are now out numbered AND out classed.

      other problem..  I keep seeing the vets here say "well there are plenty of planes that ENY doesn't effect "   yeah, well that's OK if you have been playing the game for 10 years and are well practiced. But what about the NEWBS ?
      The fresh players trying to learn the game ? the players HTC and us NEED in order to keep this game alive ? yea, lets make them fly relics while pilots with 10 years exp BnZ them in ponys. im sure they'll stick around.

      and the 3rd problem, as this thread states, is tower sitters and campers influencing the ENY. I don't know how many times we've had an ENY of 20, and I could only see 5-10 friendly dots on the entire map. (yes, "spawn
      camping" is considered to be "in flight")

             For the love of god, Abolish ENY !!!  :rock

I've played for 6 1/2 years. And actually prefer the higher eny planes, quite a few of them are newbie friendly, and were recommended to me when I started out. Just because it has high ENY doesn't mean it's unflyable as a new player. You don't need to fly a p51 when you start out, nor an N1K. An F4U or Ki84 would be a sufficient equivalent.

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Offline pembquist

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2014, 07:44:45 PM »
It seems to me that having eny as a handicapping strategy is not terribly effective if what is being handicapped is base capture. It also seems like it isn't terribly effective at nudging people to change countries because of the limitation on frequency of changing. I change sides not because of access to airplanes but because I would rather be on the side with fewer uppers.
That said.
I think that if you have country loyalty than it is going to cost you something as it should, (else it wouldn't be loyal but easy,) and having a plane set limited because you have high numbers doesn't seem like that big a deal as you can always switch, I understand why you wouldn't want to, I understand the thing about squadies but I also believe it is an imperfect world and I think that eny is an honest attempt to improve the quality of gameplay experience for EVERYONE. Maybe it isn't a problem that needs solving but I suspect that the eny system came about because at some point things were miserable without it. Does an old hand know?

Nobody likes being condescended to, meaning in this case being told that "really, the obsolete rides are much more enjoyable and if you were any good you would appreciate them." BUT the fact is they are all fun to fly and just represent different challenges and flying them, (I think,) really makes you learn more faster.
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Offline NikonGuy

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2014, 08:26:41 PM »
What arena and what time is that pic from?  I am against an auto disconnect, but am open to the fact that some folks fly at different times and different arenas.  Just a curiosity...

Its from two days ago and is the Main Arena at the off peak hours so 12am to 6am US time.  But for us guys in Australia, the UK and Europe, thats what we face.

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Offline NikonGuy

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2014, 08:31:04 PM »

Late war. Seems early euro morning or euro afternoon = us late night or morning

Yes exactly mid morning for the US .. I fly Mossies most of the time so ENY doesn't affect me in the air but others clearly don't want to fly a mossie.
Where it affects me is when a horde comes in to a vBase and I can't get out a wirbie, or two cv's are parked off shore and I can't up B26's.

Basically you are fighting a horde or pony's, lancs etc with less numbers yet we can't up the same equipment due to people not logging off and causing any to go through the roof.
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Offline NikonGuy

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Re: Inactive players should be auto disconnected
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2014, 08:32:39 PM »
Thanks Lusche.  My bed time is around 3 AM EST on weekends and considerably earlier during the work week.  Definitely not familiar with arena conditions at that time.

I guess most of you may say well we don't care as its our off peak time but for us Aussies, British and Europeans, its our peak time.

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