One of the best player's of all-time had his lumbar vetebrae cracked by some loser on the field.. He's lucky it wasn't life threatening.. How would your team play if something happened like that to your best player.. Get well soon Neymar, more important things than soccer at that point 
Not that I approve what happened to Neymar or acknowledge that it is a huge loss to the Brazil team, yet, like other teams ( Argentina, Netherlands, Ghana come to my mind ) Brazil has built the hopes and whole team around one player, being Neymar.
As much as I appreciate players like Robben, Messi, Neymar and such, take them out ( not just knock them out but keep them covered ) and there seems to be no team left to play with. A very single minded and dangerous decision from the staff running the national teams. Also I see it very doubtful to place the responsibility for succes on the shpulders of a 22 year old.
Yet, that a player biting his way through the cup is penalized accordingly and a player who intendedly breaks someones back is not is one of the things I will never understand in modern soccer. Get well soon Neymar