Author Topic: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.  (Read 4795 times)

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
« Reply #105 on: May 31, 2014, 11:20:52 PM »
Yeah, but even discounting ENY, the side being horded the worst (NOT always identical with the lowest populace side) gives the best opportunities for kills. Whereas if there are 3 friendlies for every enemy that shows up, bleh.

I can't speak for you, but I'm not equal to three enemy. I'm a decent flyer but a lousy shot in the air ( though not a bad one IRL). Worse, I tend to get panicky with someone on my six. Otoh, I like my odds, generally, in a 1v1, to at least acquit myself fairly well, provided I know my ride.

Lately, it's all g14, 190a5, a20g, and even a little p-40 action. None of that stuff is uber, but it sure is fun. The great thing about the a-20: the enemy comes to you.

In any case, I always look for small dars at undefended bases... But I'll fur ball if the enemy dar is of reasonable size.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline LLv34_Dictonius

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Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
« Reply #106 on: June 01, 2014, 02:40:10 AM »
I've noticed there is a lot of argument and discord coming out of the community because they can't seem to agree on a widely accepted and obeyed code of rules for the MA. This is unlike the DA, where everyone pretty much adheres to the "agreed upon alt, agreed upon planes, cold merge" code.  It is pretty close to anarchy out there, and apparently that is making a lot of players unhappy. So I've decided to address the three most common complaints with some sensible rules to address and a method for the enforcement of these rules.

1. HOing-This could be dealt with my modifying the game to make HOs ineffective, as in Air Warrior. Or the moderators could simply issue warnings for violations of a no-HOing rule, with account suspensions issued to repeat offenders (proven via film).

2. Picking/Ganging/Running-Currently in the MA, once can pretty much assume that if you are deeply committed to maneuvering with one bandit and a second one enters icon range, that second will try to kill you. And the third. And the fourth. Some people accept this as a reality and try to craft strategy and tactics around this fact, such as flying fast planes that can usually run away from outnumbered situations, even at the cost of maneuvering ability, or flying with mutual support. But apparently even more people in the game are very unhappy with all the ganging and picking going on. Fine. Henceforth any pair of planes, upon merging, will be allowed by all to fight it out with no outside interference, and extending more than 2.5K from the plane you are engaged with is forbidden, upon pain of the same penalties mentioned under 1.

3. Alt Monkeyiism-This problem is easily dealt with. Simply program an arena-wide 100mph downdraft starting at 10,000 feet. This will make climbing above that alt nearly impossible. This sort of thing has been done to create an altitude cap on FSOs before, it is already a function of the game.

I mean, come on, why not? This set of rules will be fair to all, and with some penalties in place a player will be able to reasonably expect that the red guys will also be obeying them.

You joker you! :lol
Current handle: Tikto
Member of the big finnish squadron Vaasan Vaakalentäjät

Offline Groth

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Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
« Reply #107 on: June 04, 2014, 03:36:26 PM »
 Well, w/o reading all the posts..which I'm sure were very imperative and important.  I am AGAINST wearing uniforms that fit rules OR a code.

Offline onerka

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Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
« Reply #108 on: June 05, 2014, 02:09:01 PM »
Read quickly through some of the responses...agree with FLS and Zoney and a number of others with similar responses.

Wondering when anyone mentions that a complaint is common on the bbl, and then makes the jump to relating that complaint/trend on the bbl to the full community in AH.  I know it's been said many times, but if you did a simple statistical assessment of the number of people who commented - not the number of comments; as opposed to the larger community in AH...wonder if it is relevant.  No question, that is how topics should come forward; but to assume the number of participants in a given thread is a vote of the active participants in AH is a pretty large jump. Don't think it's particularly the same time, the bbl is a great place to bring things forward for discussion among those who chose to participate.

Was in a WWI sim for a long time where a subset of pilots took an unwritten and unofficial code pretty seriously.  It got really oppressive.  Most of the negative comments during the game were based on supposed violations of that you shot me while I was dead stick, or while I was smoking, or while I was engaged with Freddie, or after I had clearly disengaged...or, while I was picking my nose.  It got pretty silly sometimes.  My perspective:  most of the complaints were from people who were too ego involved and simply couldn't suffer another mortality without an excuse as to why they didn't survive the encounter.  At the same time...we pretty much tried to follow these codes primarily to avoid the ensuing controversy.  The reality is that in the end each pilot makes a separate peace and understanding about how he/she wants to fly and lives by you fly is up to you...and I hope everyone has a fun while participating.

My specific role...on my squad, is to provide enough kills (my death) to opponents to keep them interested in fighting us...and sometimes I'm really good at dying!!!


Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: Uniform Rule Code for the MA: A modest proposal.
« Reply #109 on: June 05, 2014, 02:29:42 PM »
My specific role...on my squad, is to provide enough kills (my death) to opponents to keep them interested in fighting us...and sometimes I'm really good at dying!!!


Now there's a guy I'd like to meet in the MA! I saw some dude like that once... Ensign something or other... I shot down his Dauntless repeatedly. He just kept re-upping. I killed him until I ran out of ammo then landed and felt like Sterculius, God of FECES.  :D
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.