Hi guys,
I've decided to get back into aces high and was hoping I can play with a good group of guys. It sucks playing by yourself
Just a little history about myself in regards to my experience in aces high.
I've been playing on and off since Aces 2006.
-Been in one squad so far. And tried out for another but quite playing for awhile due to family
situations and school.
- I know the basics of dog fighting, and I can do bombing runs pretty well
- not too familiar with the ground combat.
- my favorite planes in Aces High and in general are the P51 D, p38, and spitfires.
Anyways I'm not fully looking to join a squad as im unsure if i will have time to participate in everything, but
if you guys dont mind then im all for it. I also have a teamspeak for those of you that are not in squads but just want to play in a group.