Author Topic: TU-2S, the best Bomber in the game.  (Read 9885 times)

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: TU-2S, the best Bomber in the game.
« Reply #180 on: June 12, 2014, 12:46:44 PM »
So the A20 has a lower wing loading than the 51? Hey, I'm all ears here, honestly I'm not an aeronautical engineer (yet) and am interested in this stuff. As PJ said, it is extremely counterintuitive that a twin engine light bomber like the A20 could outturn a 51.

And also, as I said, unsurprising to me.

Karnak and Bozon also mention the powerloading. I don't want to make as if the wing loading alone is determinant. Recall the equation R = (2Ws/rho CL s(theta))- max bank (theta) figures in and max bank is dependent, in turn, on powerloading and CLMax, IIRC.

However, an empty A-20 should have good Ws and  decent powerloading, given the absence of the bomb load.

One question I've always had about the Radius equation... it assumes no alt loss; a flat turn. As bank increases, your lift vector available to offset weight decreases and you end up having to increase CL and Cd(induced) as well.

What if you're willing to give up alt? Intuitively, I'd expect that your max rate of turn is actually going to be realized with the lift vector horizontal toward the center of the turn circle and the a/c dropping like a stone. Of course, while doing this might put you inside the SPitty's turn, it's also going to leave you looking skyward at him, probably. But it, especially combined with some judicious rudder, might well lead to your disappearnce under the nose of an enemy seeking a lead shot.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline EagleDNY

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Re: TU-2S, the best Bomber in the game.
« Reply #181 on: June 17, 2014, 09:36:24 PM »
I have to give the Tu-2 its due - it has now become my ride of choice for slaughtering CVs.  The ability to run in with a heavy bomb load at 300mph, coupled with at least a modest ability to make somebody think twice about diving down on your six.   For anything tactical down low needing speed - take a Tu-2.

At 11-12K though - I find the ability to get the job done on on 4 out of 4 hangers is better done with B-17s.  That 3 x 500lb spread is a little more sure than the 1 x 500Kg shot on the last two hangers, although the first 2 1 x 1000Kg shots are hard to miss.   If you want to get home, take the 17s - probably only 1 player in 5 really knows how to attack them. 

Up high take a B-29 or a Mossie.   The speed up high makes interception a huge chore, and anyone climbing up the tail of B-29s is not likely to enjoy it.   

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: TU-2S, the best Bomber in the game.
« Reply #182 on: June 18, 2014, 02:33:12 PM »
I easily take 4 hangars with the 2 and 2 Load. The secret is to take the first two, of course, with the BFBs. I line up for bomb runs in top gun F3 mode flying while using rear view so I can look forward as I fly. I use the rudder pedals to turn and line up on the other two hangars in this top gun/f3/rear look mode because turning with rudders does not mess up your level speed as much as manual turning.

OK so now your on your second run without much time to calibrate and only having the smaller, 500 kg, bombs. First thing to do when going to bomb sight, and you should be roughly lined up as it is, is to line up EXACTLY on your first hangar. Then start calibrating and keep calibrating while watching your map.... Now the tough part. You have to figure out as close as possible when to quit calibrating and pop back into bomb sight. If you time it right you should have a second or two to release.

Because you are not AS level as you were on your first run Ive often found it better to release exactly when the cross hairs are on the hangar, where'as the first release I let go a split second before. 3 500 kg bombs will take out any hangar. Most of all at 8K where I do most of my tactical bombing. Then hit WEP, cut a shallow dive if you have to, and get the hell out of there.

If over water OTW home, and being pursued, I'll often dive to 30 to 50' and just invite an enemy to come into the guns. Its hard to find the blind spot of the guns when that low and 6+ 12.7mm MGs means your not exactly helpless.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"